Call Us BEFORE you contact your licensing board.
Decades of Experience.
Serving Kansas & Missouri.
Professional Licensing Defense.
Sanger Law Office
At Sanger Law Office LLC, we provide dedicated legal representation in administrative law hearings for a range of legal issues, such as disciplinary actions against professionals or others in occupations subject to state licensing.
Mrs. Sanger has devoted her professional career to helping others facing the difficult emotional challenges of supporting one’s family while fighting the inertia and layer upon layer of regulations, rules, and bureaucracy that can cause long delays in obtaining relief from an administrative agency of the government.
I accept professional liability insurance with license protection coverage.
Mrs. Sanger’s time in the Kansas Attorney General’s Office has provided her with an understanding of the tactics and strategies used by investigators and prosecutors in professional disciplinary cases. She also understands that sometimes these issues arise out of misunderstandings, false allegations, and technical violations of rules and regulations. If you are being investigated because of a complaint by your professional or occupational licensing board, you should never agree to speak to the investigator without obtaining sound legal advice and the representation of an experienced Kansas professional licensing attorney. The information you provide and statements that you make may be used as evidence in a disciplinary proceeding. Mrs. Sanger has the experience and commitment to provide a zealous defense of your livelihood and your future.
When you have had a complaint filed against you alleging misconduct or have been charged with a criminal offense, the professional or occupational license that you have worked hard to obtain can be suspended or even revoked. Even if you only receive a public reprimand, it could severely impair your ability to obtain future employment in your occupation or deter clients from retaining you. Public discipline is available for future employers and clients to see so it is important to aggressively challenge any form of formal discipline.
If you are dealing with a regulatory or licensing agency, Mrs. Sanger is prepared to help her clients navigate the obstacles and provide transparency so that the process is understandable. Mrs. Sanger fights passionately for her clients as if they were her own family members because it was the struggles of her family members that motivated her to become an administrative law attorney in Kansas and Missouri. The Sanger Law Office, LLC is centrally located in Lawrence, KS and represents individuals and businesses in a range of administrative legal issues in Kansas and Missouri. If you are fighting for your occupational or professional license and reputation, you should contact Danielle Sanger today for a free consultation at 785-979-4353 (Kansas) or 816-520-8040 (Missouri).
I accept professional liability insurance with license protection coverage.
Sanger Law Office
The increasingly complex regulatory matrix created by state and federal regulatory agencies has made it even easier for professionals to run afoul of administrative rules and regulations while increasing the red tape and obstacles for those seeking relief from agencies, administrative boards and administrative law judges. The amount of paperwork and complex procedures that are often needed to ensure regulatory compliance can be overwhelming. At the Sanger Law Office, LLC, we work to simplify the process of complying with state and federal regulations and seeking relief from governmental agencies.
Mrs. Sanger draws on her prior experience while working as an Assistant Attorney General and representing the State Board of Nursing when defending clients facing professional discipline including possible license suspension or the denial of an application to obtain a professional license.