Kansas Certified Public Accountants: Tips for Avoiding Disciplinary Actions
The Kansas Board of Accountancy is the state agency that licenses certified public accountants (CPAs). In addition to its powers to suspend or revoke a license, the Board can take other disciplinary actions, including but not limited to censure, ordering payment of fines and mandating completion of remedial or ethics-based classes. CPAs who do not adhere to the profession’s high ethical and professional standards, jeopardize not only their license but also their livelihood. Some of the most common sins that have led a licensee to disciplinary action include the following:
- Criminal Conviction: A licensee who receives a felony conviction is subject to discipline, regardless if the crime was related to his or her job duties. In Kansas, a third DUI conviction, if the second occurred within the previous 10 years, is considered a felony. The conviction of any crime which involves an element of dishonesty or fraud is grounds for disciplinary action as well.
- Failure to File Tax Returns: All licensees must file personal and business (firm) tax returns in a timely fashion, including payment of all taxes.
- Failure to Meet Licensing Renewal Requirements: Failing to meet licensing renewal requirements is a quick way to find oneself in hot water with the Board. Each year licensees are disciplined for failing to complete the mandatory continuing education classes and other basic requirements for license renewal. Allowing one’s license to lapse can also lead to disciplinary action for false advertising—since the licensee’s license has expired.
- Deceptive Advertising Practices: False or deceptive advertising in promoting or marketing a licensee’s professional services is considered an act that discredits the profession and, therefore, subject to disciplinary measures.
- Discipline from Government Agency: A licensee who is disciplined by a government agency, for example the SEC, is often subjected to additional disciplinary measures by their state licensing Board.
- Fraud in Obtaining a License: The use of fraud, dishonesty or deceit to obtain or renew a license can not only subject a licensee to disciplinary action by the Board, it can also lead to criminal charges.
- Failing to Cooperate with Board’s Investigation: Each year, across the country, licensees lose their license for failing to cooperate with a regulatory board’s investigation. In Kansas, ignoring requests for documents and other inquiries by the Board is grounds for discipline. This is why is it is critically important to have an experienced license defense attorney working for you.
If you have received notice from the Kansas Board of Accountancy that you are the subject of an investigation, contact the Sanger Law Office today at 785-979-4353 to schedule a free and completely confidential consultation. In order to protect your livelihood and reputation, you need an experienced professional license defense attorney by your side. Attorney Danielle Sanger and the seasoned professionals at the Sanger Law Office will make it their priority to bring your case to a prompt resolution.