Doctor Surrenders License in Kansas After Medical Board Review

Doctors understand the value of their medical licenses. Without a license, the doctor cannot practice their profession. Years of hard work have led to their profession, and in many cases, practicing medicine becomes a part of a person’s identity in addition to their livelihood. When a complaint is made against a doctor’s license, the situation can be stressful and, in some cases, devastating. It is important to take complaints seriously and to fight against any allegations. When it comes to a medical license, there is a great deal at stake.

Doctor in Kansas Surrenders License

A doctor in Kansas recently opted to surrender his professional license after he was investigated by the state’s medical board. The physician was operating an anti-aging clinic and a wellness spa. It is not clear why the doctor was being investigated, but the same physician had previously had his license suspended. Nearly twenty years ago, Kansas suspended the man’s license after he engaged in sexual relations with a nurse and two patients. In Missouri, the same physician had been investigated for failing to complete registration for a controlled substance. The substance in question was testosterone.

The board recently placed an emergency suspension on the doctor’s license after stating that the continued practice of medicine by the individual would lead to an imminent danger to his patients. The doctor eventually agreed to surrender his license to end the most recent investigation.

Why would a Doctor Lose Their License?

Doctor’s licenses may be challenged for a number of reasons, including poor quality of care to their patients, sexual abuse or misconduct, mental impairment, drug or alcohol abuse, or administrative misconduct. When it comes to the medical profession, these individuals are required to meet a high level of care and must abide by strict professional guidelines.

In many cases, the allegations may not be true, or the case is not clear cut. When the medical board receives a complaint about a doctor, there is a process that the board will go through in determining whether to take disciplinary actions against that physician.

The penalties a person will face will depend on the severity of the misconduct. Given the potential for a severe outcome, including the loss of a medical license, it is crucial that a doctor who receives notice of a complaint address the allegations aggressively.

Defending a medical license

If you are facing an investigation, you will have to provide a defense at a hearing. Hiring an attorney to handle the issue can help doctors understand how to best protect themselves and their livelihood. A lawyer who specializes in professional licensing issues will help you to understand what to do and can ease some of the stress brought on by the allegations.

Another step to take is to contact your malpractice insurance provider. Contact should be made as soon as you are aware of the investigation. In many cases, the insurance policy will require that you take this step promptly. Contacting your insurer will help protect you in the future.

You may also speak to your attorney about whether you need to hire an expert to defend you. You might know people in the medical field who would be helpful in providing a defense at your hearing. Tell your attorney and ask if this is necessary for your given situation.

The Kansas Professional Licensing Defense Lawyer at Sanger Law are ready to help protect your profession. Contact us today at (785) 979-4353  to discuss your case.