Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger: Dedicated Advocate for Social Workers Facing Professional Discipline
Social workers are professionals entrusted to take care of some society’s most vulnerable populations. Children, the disabled, the elderly, and people with drug and alcohol dependency are often social worker’s clients. While most of society appreciates and applauds social workers’ hard work to better society, many are quick to condemn a social worker if any suspicion or rumor of misconduct arises. Given social workers’ backbreaking caseloads and one on one contact with clients, these allegations can be difficult to disprove and potentially career ending. Don’t let an allegation of misconduct end your career and ruin your finances and future.
In Kansas and Missouri, social workers facing professional discipline can rely on Danielle Sanger, Esq. to defend their rights. Attorney Sanger has spent her career defending licensees before administrative and licensing boards, protecting those accused of making mistakes and other misconduct from losing their professions, savings, and homes.
Let’s face it, social workers have an extremely difficult job. They are haunted by the specter of misconduct daily for more than one reason. First, they are often working with extremely vulnerable populations with little or no supervision. Drug addicts, at-risk youth, neglected or abused children—they all require the special training and services that only a social worker is trained to provide. On the other hand it is also extremely easy for one of these clients or their family member to concoct an allegation of misconduct against a social worker in hopes of getting some sort of financial windfall from a state or agency. As a result, licensing issues can and do arise at no fault of the social worker. Well meaning social workers often try to “work with” investigators to clear up these misconceptions. That seemingly well-intentioned act can lead to your words being twisted and used against you later and an eventual loss of your professional license.
Second, social workers are often underpaid and overworked. Extreme caseloads, unrealistic expectations, and diminishing training budgets can combine to result in mistakes. Even innocuous mistakes, however, can result in extreme consequences such as loss of a license and permanent reputational harm. In these situations, heartfelt apologies and expressions of remorse will be “Exhibit A” in the administrative hearing against the social worker.
There is no time to waste if you are accused of misconduct. Too many social workers try to talk their way out of misconduct or represent themselves before licensing boards, thinking that they can understand the process and anticipate the challenges that lie ahead. You should not respond to the licensing agency until you have attained representation by a skilled licensing attorney. Rest assured, the licensing administration opposing you will not be representing themselves, they will have an expert representing their interests. So should you.
You have rights if you are accused of misconduct. Because the state is seeking to take your property—your license to practice social work—you are have a right to due process. This is not the sort of due process you might see in a courtroom, but it is no less important. Having a zealous advocate by your side challenging the validity of the evidence against you and cross examining those who testify against you is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
If you are a social worker in Kansas or Missouri and are facing a threat to your license, call Danielle Sanger today.
Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger is prepared to advocate for your best interests and defend your livelihood and career. Call Attorney Sanger today at 785-979-4353 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced and aggressive attorney for social workers facing occupational discipline.