Ten Common Reasons for Nursing License Suspension [Part II]

This is the second installment in our two-part blog post discussing reasons that nurses have had their licenses suspended by state nursing boards.  Although it is always unnerving to face disciplinary charges, the fact that an investigation has been initiated does not mean that you have done anything wrong.  If you have concerns because you are the target of a disciplinary investigation or you are formally involved in disciplinary proceedings, we invite you to speak with Danielle Sanger to learn about your rights and potential strategies to protect your nursing license.

Using a False Copy of a Nursing License

If you have had your license suspended, it may be tempting to present a hospital or other potential employer with a falsified license.  Some people assume that once the suspension has lapsed the fact the license was fake when initially presented will not matter.  To the contrary, the decision to use a false copy of your license could result in permanent revocation of your nursing license.

Impersonating another Health Care Practitioner

While this cause of a nursing license suspension might sound like it is confined to Hollywood movies, there are people who engage in identity theft successfully for years while working as a nurse.  The individual might have a criminal record that serves as a bar to obtaining a nursing license, or he or she might have participated in activity that resulted in revocation of his or her license.  Identity theft in this context is plausible if an individual can obtain the correct paperwork.

Engaging in Unprofessional Conduct

This charge is commonly brought against nurses because it is broad and can apply to a wide range of conduct.  Nurses have faced this type of charge for such diverse types of conduct as engaging in an affair with a supervisor or using explicit and inappropriate language when dealing with patients or colleagues.  Because of the importance of maintaining a high level of professionalism in the nursing profession, these types of charges are taken seriously.  While many individuals charged with this type of violation the first time receive only a reprimand or probation, failure to adapt one’s behavior can result in loss of your job and license.

Criminal Convictions

Depending on the offense, you will have notice requirements and can be disciplined for a criminal conviction or failing to provide notice of a conviction.  While minor traffic offenses might not need to be reported, you should seek legal advice prior to pleading guilty in any criminal proceeding to determine the potential impact on your occupational license.

 Abuse and Neglect in Providing Care to Patients

Allegations of neglect or abuse toward a patient constitute one of the most serious type of charges that can threaten your nursing license.  Although patient neglect may be the result of a simple mistake, an excessive number of patients, or working too many hours, this type of offense can easily jeopardize your ability to engage in the nursing profession.  Whether allegations of abuse or neglect arise because of intentional abuse or simple forgetfulness, the impact can affect the patient and his or her family.

Although any nurse can face a complaint, you have rights that experienced Kansas attorney Danielle Sanger can help protect.  Ms. Sanger can ensure that your legal rights are protected and investigate the evidence against you.  She analyzes any documents, physical evidence and/or witnesses, so she can work diligently to minimize the impact on your career.  If you are facing disciplinary proceedings, Kansas Professional Licensing Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger represents nurses facing disciplinary proceedings in Missouri or Kansas, so call us today for a free consultation at 785-979-4353.

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