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Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Discusses Considerations Regarding Disciplinary Action: How to Know When to Fight the Charges or Negotiate a Favorable Disposition

Developing effective strategies for defending against allegations of professional licensing misconduct begins with a thorough analysis of the facts and circumstances. Without a comprehensive understanding of the claims and the factual underpinnings for them, then there is no practical method of devising a winning defense strategy. Understanding all of the facts after conducting a complete […]

When Allegations and the Court of Public Opinion Collide

A recent report appearing in the Kansas City Star is troubling on many levels. The report details allegations filed in a lawsuit in which a medical assistant who worked at a medical facility suffered sexual harassment at the hands of a physician employed by the practice. The allegations contained in the complaint, if proven true, […]

Privileged Communications in Missouri

The state of Missouri recognizes that a fiduciary duty exists on behalf of the physician or another medical professional, including psychologists, to maintain confidentiality of the patient’s records. However, as with all jurisdictions, Missouri recognizes a common law exception to the presumption that all communications are privileged when the privilege holder, that is the patient, […]

Privileged Communications in Kansas

Patients expect that their conversations with psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors would be privileged, and not merely confidential. A privileged communication in Kansas is one in which the psychologist cannot disclose except in very limited circumstances under Kansas law. Disclosure of privileged communication is grounds for disciplinary action. Therefore, the psychologist must understand the nature of […]

The Suicide of Nurse Underscores Pressures of Nursing Profession

News that a 35-year-old nurse working in the United Kingdom (U.K.) died by her own hand after working twelve-hour shifts following a promotion shocked and dismayed her coworkers. Sadly, the state of muring in the U.S. is very similar. Nurses work extraordinarily hard and are taking on more and more stress as medical resources are […]

Unmanaged Stress Can Lead to Mistakes and Professional Discipline

Stress is a normal reaction to certain situations. Stress actually benefits us as humans in the long run. Our fight or flight stress response helps keep us alive. Additionally, experiencing stress in certain circumstances like when taking an exam in school, planning a wedding, or focusing on a project at work helps us focus and […]

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