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Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Discusses Prescription Drugs’ Effects on Medical Licensing

There is an opioid crisis in the United States, and in its aftermath, there has been increased scrutiny of physicians’ patterns of prescribing these powerful drugs. That scrutiny precipitated an increase in licensing investigations regarding prescription patterns and opioid use by physicians themselves. If you are a physician contacted by an investigator, do not make […]

Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Explains How Charting Errors Can Lead to Discipline

One of the most time consuming and tedious aspects of the nursing profession is charting. That said, it is also one of the most vital tasks, as it is the primary line of communication between you and the rest of the medical professionals on your team. If you are a veteran nurse or work in […]

Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Explains Common Ways that Social Workers Endanger Their Licenses

Social workers frequently work with their community’s most troubled and marginalized populations, often working closely with people suffering from addiction, poverty, and abuse to accomplish their goals. But these necessary aspects of the social worker’s job frequently expose social workers to accusations of misconduct. Because social workers often work one-on-one with clients, these allegations can […]

Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Explains Missouri Dental Board Complaint Process

Dentists enjoy tremendous respect from their patients and community because they are professionals providing a valuable service. The vast majority of dentists go through their career without any disciplinary issues, so they are often entirely unfamiliar with the complaint and discipline process here in Missouri. There are many reasons why these otherwise rule following dentists […]

Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Provides an Overview of the Nursing Complaint Process

I have seen nurses’ lives and careers devastated because they agreed to a “voluntary suspension” of their nursing license or to speak to an investigator without the assistance of an attorney while the nursing board investigated allegations of misconduct. While the nurse under investigation believed that “playing ball” or helping the investigators would help their […]

Kansas and Missouri Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger Explains the Kansas Pharmacist Complaint and Investigation Process

Given the opioid crisis occurring in the United States and the uptick in complaints against pharmacists, I have recently defended pharmacists accused of violations here in Kansas. As someone who actually provided legal advice to medical boards in the past, I can also tell you that I have seen well-meaning professionals have their lives destroyed […]

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