Unmanaged Stress Can Lead to Mistakes and Professional Discipline

Stress is a normal reaction to certain situations. Stress actually benefits us as humans in the long run. Our fight or flight stress response helps keep us alive. Additionally, experiencing stress in certain circumstances like when taking an exam in school, planning a wedding, or focusing on a project at work helps us focus and motivates us to get the job done. Some people relish in the pressure and rise to the occasion, whatever that might be. Stress befalls us when we make a change in our lives like when we change jobs, move to a new city, get divorced or, experience the loss of a loved one. In that sense, stress is a part of life and it is unavoidable. Handling stress depends on the individual.

While we cannot avoid stress, we must also learn to manage stress. Otherwise, we run the risk of experiencing bouts of depression, gaining weight, not sleeping, have family problems, and run the risk of poor job performance. Poor job performance for professional licensees such as medical doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals in addition to any other profession or occupational licensees, can lead to problems at work, culminating with professional discipline.

Kansas and Missouri professional and occupational disciplinary defense attorney Danielle Sanger understand how stress can affect people’s lives. She knows that stressful situations can put undue pressure on people to perform. Constant pressure and stress can break even the strongest person. If you find yourself in a situation as a professional or occupational licensee in Kansas or Missouri facing a disciplinary charge because of stress-induced incident, contact Attorney Danielle Sanger. Attorney Sanger has tremendous experience fighting for people who have succumbed to stressors in their professional and personal lives who face professional discipline.

The National Institute of Mental Health reported on the long-term impacts chronic stress has on a person. Persistent, long-term stress, which is different acute stress, takes a massive toll on the body’s systems until the stress level returns to normal functioning. Chronic stress can cause serious digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, sleep disruption, and reproductive issues. The body’s immune system can also be disrupted by stress in some people. In other people who suffer under chronically high stress, symptoms arise such as persistent headaches, sleeplessness, irritability, as well as sadness and anger.

The chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol coursing through a person’s body can cause chronic diseases. The National Institute for Mental Health indicated that people experiencing chronically high-stress levels could develop heart problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Stressed out people can also develop diabetes and other metabolic illnesses.

Anyone who is suffering from chronically high stress must get their stress levels under control before experiencing the negative and potentially life-altering side effects discussed above. The National Institute for Mental Health suggests that people need to become aware of the stress they are under. Signs of increased stress include trouble sleeping, increased alcohol use or drug misuse, as well as other psychological signs like anxiety, depression, low energy levels, and becoming angry easily.

Anyone suffering from stress-related health problems must talk to their doctor about the problems. Mental health treatment might be necessary for additional to receiving medical treatment for the person’s acute health problems. Also, exercising regularly can help lower the body’s stress response and help relieve some of the symptoms of stress. Remaining a social person and partaking in fun activities can also help lower stress.

When Life and Work Becomes Too Much

Learning that you are under investigation for professional discipline will ratchet up the stress. You can fix this with Kansas Professional Licensing Attorney Danielle Sanger’s help. Call her today at 785-979-4353 today to learn more.