Kansas Professionals – How Important is Continuing Education for Your License?

Whether you are a nurse, an attorney, a physician, or a dentist, among other professions, you know all too well how time-consuming and sometimes boring continuing education courses can be.  Once in a while, you may find a continuing education program that is very exciting and quite helpful for your career.  However, it seems as though many programs only reiterate information you may already know.  Regardless of whether or not particular continuing education programs are helpful, it is essential that you remain up to date on your continuing education requirement in Kansas.

The Consequences of Failing to Satisfy the Continuing Education Requirement in Kansas

It is easy to overlook the need to obtain continuing education credit, especially when you are extremely busy helping out your patients and clients.  Failure to stay current on continuing education requirements may result in one or more of the following:

  • The temporary suspension of your Kansas professional license;
  • The potential revocation of your Kansas professional license if you repeatedly fail to meet the continuing education requirement;
  • Private or public reprimand; and/or
  • The requirement to obtain additional continuing education credits beyond the general requirement for your profession.

It is important to keep in mind that every situation is different, and the consequences for failure to satisfy the continuing education requirement are certainly not limited to those listed above.  As such, it is crucial to take all steps possible to stay current on your continuing education requirements.

Tips for Staying Current on Your Continuing Education Requirement in Kansas

If you find yourself scrambling at the last minute to get the required number of continuing education credits for your profession complete before the deadline, you should consider attending continuing education classes on a rolling basis throughout the year.  Trying to make a fast approaching deadline can be stressful as well as an impediment to your professional career, as you will have to devote a significant amount of hours to reach your continuing education requirement outside of your work schedule.

In addition to spacing out your continuing education courses, you should also review each potential course and find what you believe is either most interesting to you, and/or what courses are most applicable to your profession.  Further, if you provide feedback to your profession’s governing board, that board may offer improved continuing education courses in the future.  Attending any course is not always the most enjoyable thing for professionals who have already gone through many years of school.  However, if you approach the courses in a different light, you may find that the courses are in fact beneficial to your Kansas professional career.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a Kansas professional, you likely are required to attend continuing education courses in order to keep your professional license current.  While some of the courses may feel like a waste of time, failing to fulfill this requirement can have a detrimental impact on your professional license.  Whether you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas professional license, or you simply have questions about what your rights and obligations are as a Kansas professional, you should consider speaking with a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office knows what to expect from Kansas professional licensing boards.  Ms. Sanger’s unique experience enables her to provide her clients with well-rounded legal representation that prepares them for what to expect in any given situation.  If you would like the guidance of a true advocate, you should consider speaking with Ms. Sanger to discuss your situation.  To schedule your free consultation, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.