Tag Archive for: Kansas professional license defense attorney

KS EMTs – How That Nagging Cold Could Affect Your Certification

EMTs get sick just like any other person.  There may be a time when an EMT needs to take medication in order to get through a cold or flu.  It isn’t always possible to take off work if you are an EMT.  Obviously, if an EMT is extremely ill and unable to work, that EMT would be staying home.  However, if an EMT has a cold or mild flu and is still able to function both mentally and physically, he or she may have to fight the cold with the help of medication, whether it be prescription or over-the-counter.  What many Kansas EMTs don’t know is that taking medication to treat a cold or flu could be considered a form of drug use that impairs your ability to work.

While there are a multitude of medications that do in fact cause mental and/or physical impairment, there are many medications that do not result in such side effects.  For example, taking Tylenol or Advil to treat a headache does not typically have impairing effects.  Likewise, daytime cold medication such as DayQuil is not known to cause impairing side effects in most people.  However, even though particular medications are not known to have impairing effects, your EMT certification board may believe such medication limits your ability to perform your job effectively.

What Are My Options?

We all get colds once and awhile, and many of us are able to work through such colds.  EMTs are in a unique situation where they are expected to be 100% at all times.  Fighting a cold or flu without medication can be extremely difficult, but many EMTs now feel it is not worth the risk of taking even Tylenol for a headache.  While most certification boards are likely to understand that a small amount of a known medication is not going to result in impairment, the mere risk is enough to scare EMTs away from treating the common cold or flu.

The best thing you can do to determine what you are allowed and not allowed to take as an EMT, you should consult with your certification board, whether statewide or national.  It is not worth the risk of losing your license simply because you wanted to treat a cold that any of us could experience on any given day.  Colds and flus can certainly bring your energy down, but for those that can still function at full capacity, although while not feeling well, working with the cold is not an impossible task.  In addition to seeking the advice of your EMT certification board, consulting with a legal professional can offer you the guidance you need.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas EMT and your certificate is at risk for one reason or another, you should seek the advice of an attorney as soon as possible.  Many EMTs face allegations that are defensible, and are able to keep their certificates.  However, facing the loss of your EMT certificate alone leaves you at risk for reaching a result that will be harmful to your certificate, whether it is suspended, revoked, or otherwise.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who devotes her legal career to helping Kansas professionals keep their licenses and certificates. Allegations are simply allegations, but it is understandable that such allegations create an unnecessary amount of stress.  With the help of Ms. Sanger, you will be able to demonstrate why you should not lose your EMT certification.  If you would like to discuss your situation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

KS Physicians – Ensuring Patients Understand the Scope of Medical Care

There are wonderful nurses out there who have either had their nursing licenses suspended or revoked for a variety of reasons.  Some reasons may or may not be intentional.  For example, a nurse may believe he or she has the authority to initial or sign a physician’s name if that particular physician either asked the nurse to do so, or consented to this.  Regardless of a physician’s instructions, that nurse cannot lawfully write a physician’s name as if it is the physician him or herself signing the document.  This is just one reason why some nurses lose their licenses.  Additional reasons why Kansas nurses may lose their licenses include, but are not limited to, those described below.

Reason # 1 – Taking Samples of Prescription Medication

A Kansas nurse may believe it is harmless to take a drug sample without a doctor’s prescription.  In fact, some physicians may even be aware of this.  Even if a nurse is aware that he or she is unable to obtain prescriptions unlawfully, he or she may not believe it is unlawful if it is a sample and/or if a physician is giving it the okay.

Reason # 2 – Failing to Adhere to an Alcohol or Drug Treatment Program

If you have sought, and/or are currently seeking treatment as part of an alcohol or drug program, you likely have to fulfill certain requirements in order to keep your Kansas nursing license.  If you do not comply with the program, your Kansas nursing license could be at risk, and it may be difficult to get your license back in the future.

Reason # 3 – Altering Medical Records

Patient medical records are highly confidential and protected by HIPAA laws.  Altering medical records can significantly harm any medical professional’s license.  There are times when medical professionals may alter a medical record, but do so with the intention of correcting something grammatical or miniscule.  Even though this conduct seems relatively innocent, it still may be considered an alteration, which could put your Kansas nursing license at risk.

Reason # 4 – Criminal Conduct

If you are convicted of a crime, your license will undoubtedly be brought into question.  Depending on what the crime is, you may receive minimal punishment, such as a private or public reprimand, or your license may be suspended or revoked.

Reason # 5 – Medical Malpractice

Just like physicians, nurses may face allegations of medical malpractice.  If a patient alleges that he or she has been harmed due to something you did or did not do, your license may be at risk if a patient is ultimately successful.  Although lawsuits do not necessarily reach a fair result, mere accusations of negligence can shed you in a negative light, and the licensing board may review the situation to determine if you should be able to keep your Kansas nursing license.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a Kansas nurse, you have worked hard to earn the license that you have today.  Losing your Kansas nursing license can be a devastating experience, making you feel as though your world has come crashing down.  If you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas nursing license, it is imperative that you consult with a skilled legal professional as soon as you learn that your license may be at risk.  With the help of an attorney, you will have a better understanding of what you are facing and what the potential consequences are.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has the experience and dedication necessary to provide you with the legal representation that you need and deserve.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger provides a unique perspective to her clients that is not shared by many other attorneys.  If you would like to speak with Ms. Sanger about your situation, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Facing False Allegations That Have Put Your License at Risk? How a Kansas Attorney Can Help

False allegations occur all too frequently in today’s world, and most individuals alleging false claims do not truly understand the ramifications of their conduct.  This is especially true where allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing are directed towards a licensed or certified professional.  Kansas professionals are required to adhere to all laws, rules, and regulations that govern their profession.  Kansas disciplinary boards receive false complaints on a regular basis, and many complaints are quickly dismissed.  This is always a good result, but it is still stressful to think that someone has accused you of doing something that you simply did not do.

What Kinds of False Allegations Do Kansas Professionals Face?

The nature and seriousness of a false allegation may be different based on what your profession is.  Examples of false allegations that can apply to any profession include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Sexual harassment and/or assault;
  • Alcohol and/or drug use while on the job;
  • Physical and/or mental harm;
  • Fraud or theft; and
  • Mistreatment of fellow employees (whether physical or mental).

The above-listed allegations can be extremely serious because not only do they put your Kansas professional license at risk, but you are also exposed to criminal charges and/or civil liability.  Anyone can file a lawsuit, just as anyone can file a complaint with a Kansas professional’s disciplinary and licensing board.  Oftentimes, false allegations are associated with acts of retaliation.  Of course there will be situations where allegations are real; however, false allegations occur on a regular basis and this scares many individuals away from pursuing the career of their dreams.

Why an Attorney is Crucial if You Are Facing False Allegations

Seeking the advice of an attorney is not an admission of guilt or fault.  When Kansas professionals face false allegations of misconduct or causing harm to a patient or client, many of them do not act as quickly as they should to find a skilled attorney to handle the matter.  The initial shock of being falsely accused can put your world upside down, and this sometimes leads to situations where allegations have gone unchallenged, and a Kansas professional may be paying for something he or she did not do.  As such, as soon as you have been falsely accused of misconduct or wrongdoing, contacting a true advocate can make all the difference in the world, as you now have a better chance of fighting and overcoming the false allegations against you.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Regardless of whether you are a Kansas physician, attorney, nurse, dentist, teacher, or physical therapist, among many other professions, facing false allegations can put you in a position that you simply do not deserve to be in.  Along with false allegations comes the potential that you could face the suspension or loss of your Kansas professional license.  No matter what the allegation are, both your reputation and professional license may be at risk.  To determine what steps you should take to protect yourself, you should consider speaking with a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney to thoroughly discuss your situation.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a dedicated and highly experienced Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  With her assistance, many clients have been able to overcome false allegations and have successfully fought to keep their professional licenses.  To discuss your situation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Attorneys – How Providing Legal Advice Outside Your Specialty Can Put Your License at Risk

When you decided to attend law school, you may have already had a pretty good idea of what area of the law you would be interested in.  On the flip side, you may have ended up working in a specialty that you never thought you would be interested in prior to law school.  One great thing about the legal field is that attorneys have the ability to focus their practices on one particular area of the law, or to provide a broad spectrum of legal services.  Whether you are a specialized attorney, or full-service attorney, it is essential that you possess the knowledge, skill, and experience to provide your clients with competent and superior legal representation.

All too often, attorneys try to answer questions clients may have about other areas of the law.  For example, if you are a personal injury attorney and your client has a question about taxes or estate matters, and you truly are not familiar with those areas of the law, any answer you provide to your client may be misconstrued.  In order to prevent a situation where ancillary legal advice could come back to haunt you, it is crucial that you do the following:

  • Explain clearly, both in words and in writing, that the legal representation you are providing your client is limited in scope to a particular matter (such as an auto accident case);
  • When clients ask questions that you do not believe you are qualified to answer, let your client know that such questions will have to be directed to an attorney who does specialize in other areas of the law (such as tax law and estate law); and
  • Document all conversations you have with clients, whether in writing, or in a particular database so that you can demonstrate what the scope of your legal advice was for a particular conversation, building evidence to defend any potential allegation of legal malpractice.

Some attorneys may have a thorough understanding of many areas of the law, but if their law practice is specialized, they must be careful when providing clients with legal advice that ordinarily is not given.  Even one statement that is misconstrued by a client can become a problem for you later on in your career.  Unhappy clients may decide to file a complaint with the Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator, and even if such complaints are unsupported, you still have to respond to the complaint and face the potential suspension or loss of your license.  Further, the process in and of itself can be quite stressful, even if you are ultimately exonerated of any wrongdoing.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As attorneys, you seek to look out for your clients’ best interests, and want to help them in any way you can.  Not every client will be happy with the legal representation he or she has received, and may even complain to the disciplinary board.  If you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas law license due to providing legal advice and/or services beyond the scope of your specialty, it cannot be stressed enough how crucial it is that you have a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney thoroughly evaluate your situation.  At the Sanger Law Office, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger devotes her law practice to helping fellow Kansas professionals seek to keep their professional licenses.  As a fellow attorney, Ms. Sanger truly understands what her clients are going through, and uses all available resources to assist them in keeping their Kansas law license.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger has well-rounded experience that enables her to provide her clients with legal representation from a unique perspective.  If you would like to discuss your situation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

How Long Do Disciplinary Proceedings Take for Kansas Physicians Facing the Loss of Their License?

Kansas physicians face disciplinary action for a variety of reasons that are typically unique given the facts and circumstances of a given case.  The Kansas Board of Healing Arts oversees all Kansas healthcare professionals, ensuring they follow strict Kansas laws, as well as rules and regulations adopted by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.  When the Board has reason to believe laws, rules and/or regulations have been violated, disciplinary action may be initiated.

One question that most Kansas physicians have if they are facing disciplinary action is how long the entire process will take.  Just like any ordinary case in court, it isn’t always easy to determine how long a particular matter will take.  For example, if a Kansas physician is accused of drinking on the job, and the conduct is isolated to this one incident, it may be easier to get this matter resolved in a matter of months.  On the other hand, if there is an alleged pattern of conduct where a Kansas physician may have been drinking on the job for a long period of time, it could take much longer to get the matter resolved.  Witnesses may need to be interviewed, records reviewed, and many other tasks that are akin to a lawsuit.

While the thought of losing your Kansas medical license may seem unbearable, allegations of misconduct are simply that – allegations.  You have an opportunity to present your side of the story to the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.  Further, with the assistance of an attorney, you may be able to have your disciplinary matter dealt with right away if the issue is rather cut and dry.  The important thing to keep in mind is that many Kansas physicians have faced (or even have experienced), the loss of their professional license, and have been able to reinstate licensure in the future.  It is also important to remember that working alongside an attorney is essential to ensure your rights and interests are protected.  If you decide to face the potential suspension or loss of your license on your own, you may reach a different, more negative result than if you decide to retain an attorney.

Overall, you should expect disciplinary proceedings to vary widely based on the conduct in question.  Some cases take weeks or months to resolve, while other cases may take longer than one or two years.  The best thing to do if you are facing disciplinary action is to act quickly.  The longer you wait, the more difficult it may be for your attorney to reach the best result possible for your particular case.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Facing the potential loss of your Kansas medical license is something that undoubtedly creates a significant amount of stress and anxiety.  You have worked hard for many years to reach your goal of becoming a successful physician, so it is understandable that facing the loss of your medical license can leave you feeling uncertain.  If you have found yourself in this situation, the most important thing you can do is reach out to a highly experienced Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  With the assistance of an attorney who specializes in this area of the law, you will have a better understanding of your situation and what options you have for fighting to keep your Kansas medical license.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney with extensive experience helping a variety of Kansas professionals face and overcome the threat of losing their professional licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger has a perspective not shared by many attorneys.  Her prosecutorial experience helps Ms. Sanger provide well-rounded legal representation, protecting her clients’ rights and interests.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to speak with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Teachers – Understanding the Risks of Losing Your Teaching Certificate

All professions carry with them the risk that at any given time, there could be a threat to a professional’s licensure or certification.  Kansas teachers are no exception, and are held to a very high standard in this state.  We rely on teachers to provide Kansas children with the education they need to go to college and pursue a career.  When teachers lose their certifications, this is disappointing not only for the teacher, but also for that teacher’s students, especially in situations where the teacher is well-regarded.  By becoming a Kansas teacher, it is imperative that you are aware of what conduct can result in the loss of your Kansas teaching certificate.

Grounds for Revoking a Teaching Certification

In Kansas, a teaching certificate may be revoked for reasons including, but not limited to, immorality, gross neglect, and the annulment of a written contract.  These rules governing revocation are extremely broad.  Immorality can have various meanings, and not everyone shares the same meaning of immorality; however, many people consider sexual relations with students, abuse and using alcohol or drugs while on the job to be considered immoral behavior.  Such conduct may also follow under the category of “gross neglect,” and this makes things even more confusing for Kansas teachers.  When it comes to the annulment of a written contract, it isn’t always clear that a teacher has committed wrongdoing, as there may be legitimate contractual disputes that are the root cause of a teacher’s alleged breach or the rescinding of a written contract.

Given that there are a number of ways that your Kansas teaching certificate may be at risk, you should never face disciplinary action on your own.  Allow a skilled attorney to evaluate the facts of your situation so that you understand the allegations against you and what steps you need to take to move forward.

If I Lose My Teaching Certificate, Can it be Reinstated?

Any Kansas professional will always want to know whether his or her license or certificate can be reinstated after previously being revoked.  In some instances, Kansas teachers may be barred for life from having their teaching certificate reinstated.  However, many Kansas teachers will have the opportunity to seek reinstatement of their Kansas teaching certificate, but likely have to meet certain requirements to reach that point.  No matter what the reason may be for why your Kansas teaching certificate was revoked, you do have options available that can and should be discussed with a qualified attorney.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Kansas is full of amazing teachers that we rely on now more than ever.  However, mistakes happen, and even a small mistake could put your teaching license at risk.  No matter what the reason may be for facing the loss of your teaching certificate, you have the ability to fight such allegations and demonstrate why you should be able to keep your Kansas teaching certificate.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has extensive experience helping Kansas teachers and other Kansas professionals defend against the threat of losing their professional certificates and licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger has been on both sides of the aisle.  Her prosecutorial experience has enabled her to provide her clients with legal representation from multiple perspectives.  If you are a Kansas teacher or any other Kansas professional, and you are at risk for losing your certificate or license, it is imperative that you act quickly to get the matter resolved.  To schedule your free consultation to discuss your situation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Healthcare Professionals – The Vaccination Debate

As a Kansas healthcare professional, whether a physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or respiratory therapist, among others, you know all too well that vaccinations are a very hot topic.  Over the past few years, there has been a growing movement supporting the contention that vaccinations cause more harm than good, such as various forms of Autism.  While it is unclear whether or not vaccinations can cause Autism, it is certainly something that has enough people bothered to join in a movement that has sparked a very controversial debate.  No matter what your opinion may be about vaccinations, as a Kansas healthcare professional, you will be facing a lot of questions from patients.

Answering Tough Questions

You can only communicate what you know to patients, whether you communicate information you learned in school or from practicing in the field.  Sometimes there are no good answers to any one question, and the vaccination debate is one where many people are not satisfied with the answers they are receiving.  Many patients feel confused and do not know who to blame when they feel they have been misinformed.  Many people do not know what to believe, as they are receiving information both for and against vaccinations.  As a Kansas healthcare professional, it is your job to ensure you answer a patient’s questions using your particular professional knowledge.  It is always best to keep your own opinions of out the equation, as your opinions may be considered as opposed to your professional judgment.

The vaccination debate is only one of many healthcare debates that surfaces for a period of time and then calms down for a while.  The recent outbreak of Measles has resulted in a very negative view of anti-vaccine activists.  This is a situation where you, as a healthcare professional, may wish to explain to a patient why it is important to vaccinate from a medical standpoint, and not so much from a personal standpoint.  This often can be difficult with controversial issues, especially in cases where you, as the healthcare professional, hold a view that may not be shared by other healthcare professionals.

Protecting Your Kansas Healthcare License

As long as you continue to follow the rules of your profession and do your best to provide quality medical care, there is nothing you can otherwise do to convince patients of any one thing.  You will come across patients who you fundamentally disagree with, and in such cases, you have to be as strong as possible, cordial and professional.  It is okay to vent and discuss issues outside the workplace, but having a positive image to your patients (even those unruly ones) is key to having a successful and reputable career in the state of Kansas.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Whether your Kansas professional license is at risk, or you simply have unanswered questions, taking the step to consult with a skilled attorney is one that can reduce a significant amount of stress that you are dealing with.  No matter what the reason may be for why your professional license is at risk, an impartial, and non-judgmental attorney can help you resolve a tricky situation.  At the Sanger Law Office, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger has an enormous amount of experience helping a wide variety of Kansas professionals keep their professional licenses.  While no results can be guaranteed, Ms. Sanger utilizes all available resources to ensure you are doing everything in your power to reach a fair result.  Ms. Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, and she routinely relies on this past experience to provide her clients with excellent legal representation.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Can a Prior Criminal Conviction Impact Your Current Kansas Professional License?

There are numerous Kansas professionals whose pasts are not necessarily squeaky clean.  Some have prior DUIs on their record while others may have drug possession convictions or a prior assault or battery conviction.  Whatever the crime may be, it can certainly be more difficult for a Kansas professional with a criminal background to get past the “character and fitness” portion of the licensing criteria.  Unfortunately, many people are deterred from pursing higher education or obtaining any other employment that requires licensure if they believe from the start that their criminal past will be a major stumbling block.

How to Demonstrate Your Ability to be a Law-abiding Kansas Professional

No matter what blemish you have on your record, the absolute worst thing you can do is fail to disclose the prior criminal conduct to your profession’s licensing board.  Some individuals have been completely barred from obtaining licensure after failing to report their criminal history.  Kansas licensing boards are more likely to be lenient on those who are honest about their past and demonstrate why they are fit to practice their profession in the state of Kansas.  Ways in which you can demonstrate your good character include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Present affidavits from friends, family members, co-workers, and others who can attest to your good character;
  • Provide documentation of your solid work history;
  • Provide documentation of how your criminal matter was resolved, and what you did to overcome the matter; and
  • Explain in writing why you believe your criminal history should not negatively affect your ability to be a licensed professional in the state of Kansas.

Members of each Kansas professional licensing board are aware that people make mistakes, and that certain conduct may not be reflective of who a person truly is and how that person can contribute to the state of Kansas.  As such, no matter how serious you believe your criminal history may be, there are likely steps you can take that will help you obtain and keep your Kansas professional license.

Should I Speak with an Attorney?

Depending on the particular facts of your situation, speaking with a professional license defense attorney may be a good idea just to have a clearer picture of the obstacles you may be facing.  It may turn out that your criminal past has no bearing on your ability to become a licensed physician, attorney, or veterinarian, among other professions.  In other cases, however, your criminal past may make it a little more difficult for you, but not impossible, to become a Kansas licensed professional.  In such cases, an attorney can assist you in any way possible to ensure you are doing everything you can to obtain and keep your professional license.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

We all deserve another chance in life.  By making the decision to pursue a career in the state of Kansas, you have put your past behind you.  While many individuals with a criminal history are able to obtain a Kansas professional license, other individuals may be further scrutinized, depending on the nature of the prior criminal conduct.  Whether you already have a Kansas professional license, or you are trying to get one, and are concerned about a prior criminal matter, you should allow a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney to evaluate your situation.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney with extensive experience helping Kansas professionals fight disciplinary action and keep their professional licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger has a unique perspective not shared by many other attorneys.  With Ms. Sanger’s guidance, you will have a better understand of your situation and what you need to do to protect your professional license.  To schedule your free consultation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Professionals – How False Allegations Can Harm Both Your Reputation and Your License

A natural consequence of offering your services to clients and patients is that some clients and patients will not be satisfied with the services they have received.  It is nearly impossible to please everyone, and it is inevitable that you may receive complaints in many shapes and forms.  When such complaints are unfounded and have no basis at all, your professional reputation and license are a little more at risk.

Even though baseless complaints are likely to lead nowhere for the accuser, fellow patients and clients may spread rumors that put your reputation in a very negative light.  When you are facing allegations that have the potential to harm your reputation, and if there is never any proof that such allegations are based on fact, your reputation may recover quickly.  Rumors do cause a significant amount of stress, but they are only rumors, and rumors eventually go away when no proof exists to verify their truth.

What You Should Do if You are Facing False Allegations

If your patient or client has accused you of something you simply did not do (such as sexual harassment, for example), it is important that you keep accurate notes of every instance you come into contact with this patient or client.  You may also consider notifying both your insurance carrier and your profession’s licensing board, documenting your side of the story.  By being upfront and indicating that a particular client or patient has accused you of something, you are bringing the issue to light so that it can be resolved right away.

However, before deciding to contact your profession’s Kansas licensing board, it may be well worth your time to discuss your situation with an attorney highly familiar with professional licensing laws, and other rules and regulations governing most professions in the state of Kansas.  An attorney can help you evaluate your situation to determine what the substance of the false allegations are, how such allegations have affected your reputation, and how such allegations have the potential to harm your Kansas professional license.  Troubleshooting a situation from the forefront will reduce an enormous amount of unnecessary stress that comes along with ignoring a client or patient’s repeated false allegations.  An attorney can help you stop the continued effort by another to harm your reputation and put your professional license at risk.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Whether you are a physician, an attorney, an accountant, or veterinarian, among many other professions, your reputation is crucial to your success.  If you do not have a good reputation, your peers and your community will look down upon you, and perhaps for no good reason at all.  If your Kansas professional license is at risk, no matter what the reason may be, it is important that you speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  It is always best to address a problem head on and ask quickly.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney with the necessary tools and experience to help any Kansas professional fight to keep his or her license.  While some allegations may have truth to them, many others are unfounded and can have harmful effects on your career.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger has strong advocacy skills that enable her to fight for her clients’ rights and interests to the fullest extent possible.  If you would like to speak with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Accountants – How Attention to Detail Can Protect Your Professional License

The beginning of the year is always an extremely busy time for Kansas accountants, but in reality, accountants never really have a break.  Taxes and other financial matters must be dealt with on a regular basis, all year round.  Looking at numbers all day can result in situations where some corners are cut.  Further, accountants who work late are more likely to make small mistakes that can have a significant impact on a client’s tax return.  For example, if a client’s income is under-reported because the accountant did not enter the proper financial information, the client may not be paying the total amount of tax actually owed.  This can result in a tax lien being placed on a client’s credit.  While such situations where accountant error is the result of underpayment can be remedied, the process is often difficult and time-consuming.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes that Can Harm Your Kansas Accounting License

As a Kansas accountant, you work diligently to ensure all numbers are accounted for, and that each client’s taxes and other financial matters are being handled properly.  However, anyone can make mistakes, even with careful attention to detail.  Because accountants tend to be perfectionists and make few mistakes, they may become comfortable giving something only one proofread.  But, sometimes one proofread is not enough.  When it comes to such important matters as other peoples’ taxes, it takes additional proofreading and analysis to ensure nothing has been left out.

While you are bound to make mistakes during your career, such mistakes are likely to be resolved, and your Kansas accounting license may not be affected in any way.  In situations where an error is much more serious, an unhappy client may wish to submit a complaint to the Kansas Board of Accountancy, or even seek legal action against you.  In such cases, the first thing you should do is speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.

Even though a mistake has harmed a client in some way, the issue can likely be resolved in a reasonable manner.  If you fight disciplinary proceedings on your own, you may make decisions that are not in your best interests.  By working alongside an attorney, you will be placing your rights and interests in the hands of a legal professional who will seek to further those rights and interests in an effort to help you keep your professional license.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Most professions require a significant amount of close attention to detail, but when it comes to accountants, this obligation is taken to an entirely new level.  With individuals’ finances at stake, every step you make is crucial, as any small mistake could have a negative impact on one’s tax record.  Given that so much is at risk for both you and your clients, extensive proof-reading is an absolute necessity for any accountant.  While this may seem like old news, many Kansas accountants have made small mistakes that had large consequences simply because of an oversight.  If you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas accounting license or simply have questions about your license, you should consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office devotes her law practice to helping Kansas professionals face a variety of issues, including, but not limited to, helping clients keep their professional licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger is a well-rounded attorney with the necessary advocacy skills to fight for you to the fullest extent possible.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to speak with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.