Tag Archive for: Kansas professional license defense attorney

Kansas Social Workers – Facing Ethical Issues and How an Attorney Can Help You

Social workers take on a variety of responsibilities that are intended to serve the best interests of many Kansas residents.  Most professions carry with them certain challenges that can present ethical dilemmas, and social work is no different.  Many Kansas families depend on social workers to resolve a variety of serious issues that implicate one’s rights and interests.  Understanding how to address ethical dilemmas as a Kansas social worker is essential to protecting your professional license.

Ethical Dilemmas You May Face as a Kansas Social Worker

Social workers provide services to people who have been through a very traumatic or emotional experience, whether that be a child custody dispute, the loss of a loved one, or the inability to live independent from day to day, among others.  Regardless of what the particular case may be, social workers face a variety of ethical dilemmas, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Maintaining confidentiality – This is a very important issue that affects most professions.  Information regarding a particular client should always be kept confidential.  However, in situations where certain information is very concerning, social workers may feel compelled to share this information.  For example, if a client states that he or she is contemplating suicide, this is information that may need to be shared in order to protect this client.
  • A client’s right to self-determination – Whatever the situation may be, the client is always the decision-maker in any social worker/client relationship.  This can be very difficult when a client’s decisions are contrary to his or her best interests.  This can be disheartening, as social workers strive to help clients make the right choices, but it is also a reality of being a social worker – clients do not always follow good advice.
  • Keeping the relationship professional – Social workers know all too well that relationships with patients must remain strictly professional.  If a social worker wishes to become involved with a client, or simply wishes to become friends, the social worker cannot have both a professional relationship and a personal relationship simultaneously, as this is in violation of the social worker code of conduct.  It is best to never initiate personal relationships if at all possible.  In the even that a personal relationship begins, any professional relationship should be terminated.

You are likely to come across other ethical dilemmas during your career that are not outlined above.  No matter what issue you are dealing with, it is essential to ensure you are following your profession’s guidelines, rules and regulations.  A professional license defense attorney can provide you with the information you need to determine how to proceed in a given situation that presents an ethical dilemma.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a Kansas social worker, you play a vital role in the health and well-being of many individuals.  You may come across ethical dilemmas leaving you feeling a little uncertain.  Knowing what the right decision is in any given situation is sometimes a very difficult task.  If you are facing the loss of your Kansas social worker license or have questions regarding an ethical issue, it is important that you consider how a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney can help you.  Speaking with an attorney is not an admission of guilt or wrongdoing.  By speaking with an attorney, you are taking the proper steps to address the situation and find a solution that allows you to continue your career as a social worker.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who has helped many Kansas professionals successfully fight the potential loss of their licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger offers a unique perspective not shared by all attorneys.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Personal Trainers – What to Watch Out for When Working With Clients

Personal training professionals must adhere to rules and regulations that are governed by associations and organizations that issue certifications.  As such, the oversight process is a little different for personal training professionals than it is for Kansas licensed professionals.  This is important to keep in mind if you are currently a personal training professional, or wish to pursue such a career.  Regardless of the fact that personal trainers are not regulated by a Kansas board, such professionals must still follow similar requirements.

Aside from the regulatory requirements of being a personal training professional in Kansas, as such requirements differ from association or organization to the next, personal trainers must also be aware of how certain actions or conduct could result in a client filing some form of disciplinary complaint, or even initiate legal action.  This may occur in situations including, but certainly not limited to, the following:

  • A client is injured during a training session and believes the personal trainer is at fault for any one of a variety of reasons (improper instructions, pushing the client too hard, etc.);
  • A client accuses a personal trainer of harassment, whether it be sexual in nature, demeaning, or otherwise; and/or
  • A client believes his or her personal trainer is unqualified.

Given that personal training professionals may have different approaches to helping clients achieve their fitness goals, every case will be different, so a variety of issues may arise that are not listed above.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

It cannot be stressed enough that everything you do must be documented in writing.  Once you begin a relationship with a new client, you should ensure the client has a thorough understanding of what to expect, what the rules are, and what your qualifications are as a personal training professional.  Further, any time your client complains about something (no matter how minor the complaint may seem to be), you should document such complaints in your file.  Such documentation is extremely helpful if your career is attacked in anyway in the future.

You should not have to lose your personal training certification for something that you simply did not do.  While there are occasions when a particular personal training professional has committed some wrongdoing, many personal trainers lose their certifications or jobs over false or unwarranted allegations.  In order to prevent this from happening to you, be cognizant of the potential hazards that are a natural consequence of helping clients, regardless of what the particular profession is.  Speaking with an attorney can also provide you with the support and guidance that you need.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Many people don’t realize that becoming a personal trainer isn’t simply attending one or two classes and getting certified.  Just like other Kansas professions, personal trainers are held to a certain standard.  While the state of Kansas does not regulate the personal training industry, personal trainers must still adhere to the rules that govern the issuance of their certifications.  If you are a Kansas personal trainer, and you believe your certificate is at risk in any way, you may consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  While we always hope to have the best clients possible, there will be some clients that may not be satisfied, or may feel they have been harmed in some way.  Regardless of why your profession may be at risk, a skilled attorney can help you fight and overcome the issue in the most reasonable way possible.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has the advocacy skills and dedication necessary in a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to speak with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Healthcare Professionals – What You Should Know About “Lien Letters”

As a Kansas healthcare professional, you face many challenges that are unique to the healthcare industry.  While being a healthcare professional is certainly a rewarding experience, the profession carries with it the risk that your conduct may be questioned, even if you have done nothing wrong.  When your integrity, reputation, and/or your expertise are challenged in any way, you may feel a little on edge.  Being accused of negligence or misconduct can be a significant stressor that impedes your ability to do your job to your fullest potential.

What is a “Lien Letter”?

If a current or former patient alleges that you have caused him or her harm in some way, that individual may choose to take legal action.  Some individuals simply file a medical malpractice lawsuit, and seek to either settle the case outside the courtroom, or go to trial.  Others choose to seek resolution of a potential medical malpractice claim before even filing a lawsuit.  By doing so, attorneys on behalf of these individuals send what are called “lien letters” to the healthcare professional alleging malpractice.

Upon receiving a lien letter, the healthcare professional may decide to turn over the potential claim to his or her malpractice insurance carrier.  Depending on the nature and extent of the alleged injuries an individual has suffered, some healthcare professionals decide it is much easier to have the claim paid out.  If a healthcare professional believes an allegation is completely unfounded, he or she may choose to fight the issue, seeking the guidance of an attorney.

Why You Should Consider Speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney

Issues regarding lien letters are often dealt with by medical malpractice defense attorneys.  However, depending on the particular facts of your situation, and how serious the allegations against you are, you may need to speak with a professional license defense attorney, as your Kansas license could be at risk.  Many medical malpractice claims are not successful where no fault can be proven.  Likewise, many complaints that patients and other individuals have about Kansas healthcare professionals do not result in disciplinary action or the loss of a professional license.

Regardless of whether a patient’s allegations against you are valid, it is important to keep in mind that any potential legal matter could implicate you professional license, especially in situations where a patient has both sent a lien letter to you and/or filed a lawsuit against you, and simultaneously filed a complaint against you with the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.  While the Board disregards claims that have no merit, you never know how the Board will react from one case to the next, and you should be prepared for what to expect.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Kansas healthcare professionals, whether physicians, dentists, or otherwise, place their careers and reputation at risk on a regular basis.  An unfortunate reality of being a healthcare professional is that unhappy patients may feel they have been harmed in some way and want to hold a healthcare professional accountable, even if there seems to be no fault at all on the part of the healthcare professional.  If you are a Kansas healthcare professional, and you believe your professional license may be at risk, for any reason at all, it is crucial that you speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  With the assistance of a qualified attorney, you will have a more clear understanding of what you are dealing with.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has extensive experience helping professionals just like you.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger provides her clients with thorough and quality legal representation.  To schedule your free consultation, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Professionals – How Important is Continuing Education for Your License?

Whether you are a nurse, an attorney, a physician, or a dentist, among other professions, you know all too well how time-consuming and sometimes boring continuing education courses can be.  Once in a while, you may find a continuing education program that is very exciting and quite helpful for your career.  However, it seems as though many programs only reiterate information you may already know.  Regardless of whether or not particular continuing education programs are helpful, it is essential that you remain up to date on your continuing education requirement in Kansas.

The Consequences of Failing to Satisfy the Continuing Education Requirement in Kansas

It is easy to overlook the need to obtain continuing education credit, especially when you are extremely busy helping out your patients and clients.  Failure to stay current on continuing education requirements may result in one or more of the following:

  • The temporary suspension of your Kansas professional license;
  • The potential revocation of your Kansas professional license if you repeatedly fail to meet the continuing education requirement;
  • Private or public reprimand; and/or
  • The requirement to obtain additional continuing education credits beyond the general requirement for your profession.

It is important to keep in mind that every situation is different, and the consequences for failure to satisfy the continuing education requirement are certainly not limited to those listed above.  As such, it is crucial to take all steps possible to stay current on your continuing education requirements.

Tips for Staying Current on Your Continuing Education Requirement in Kansas

If you find yourself scrambling at the last minute to get the required number of continuing education credits for your profession complete before the deadline, you should consider attending continuing education classes on a rolling basis throughout the year.  Trying to make a fast approaching deadline can be stressful as well as an impediment to your professional career, as you will have to devote a significant amount of hours to reach your continuing education requirement outside of your work schedule.

In addition to spacing out your continuing education courses, you should also review each potential course and find what you believe is either most interesting to you, and/or what courses are most applicable to your profession.  Further, if you provide feedback to your profession’s governing board, that board may offer improved continuing education courses in the future.  Attending any course is not always the most enjoyable thing for professionals who have already gone through many years of school.  However, if you approach the courses in a different light, you may find that the courses are in fact beneficial to your Kansas professional career.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a Kansas professional, you likely are required to attend continuing education courses in order to keep your professional license current.  While some of the courses may feel like a waste of time, failing to fulfill this requirement can have a detrimental impact on your professional license.  Whether you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas professional license, or you simply have questions about what your rights and obligations are as a Kansas professional, you should consider speaking with a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office knows what to expect from Kansas professional licensing boards.  Ms. Sanger’s unique experience enables her to provide her clients with well-rounded legal representation that prepares them for what to expect in any given situation.  If you would like the guidance of a true advocate, you should consider speaking with Ms. Sanger to discuss your situation.  To schedule your free consultation, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Professionals – The Importance of Having Qualified and Competent Staff Members

Having a healthy working environment where all employees get along isn’t always easy to come by.  Businesses and medical or legal practices are often successful when each employee plays his or her role, regardless of whether that employee is the owner of the business, the manager, or a support staff member.  Mistakes often happen, and tasks are often left undone when employees cannot find a way to work together kindly and/or efficiently.

Supervisory Responsibilities

One thing that many Kansas professionals forget is that they may be held responsible for their support staff members’ conduct.  For example, if you are a physician, and your assistant accidentally provides a patient with the wrong post-visit instructions, and those instructions somehow resulted in injury to that patient, the physician may be held liable for such injuries.  This may not seem like a fair result, however, as a physician (or other professional), you are agreeing to take on such supervisory responsibilities.

In most cases, professionals are not likely to lose their licenses in Kansas for another employee’s conduct, unless such conduct is egregious and caused serious harm.  No two situations are alike, so any questions or concerns regarding professional licensing in Kansas should be directed to a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.

Additional Ways in Which You May Be Held Responsible

Not only are some Kansas professionals required to take on supervisory responsibilities.  Kansas professionals also must take into consideration how their staff members communicate generally with patients or clients, and how such patients or clients view the services they have received.  For example, if a legal secretary informs a potential client that an attorney can guarantee certain results, and therefore communicates to this potential client that services will in fact be rendered, the attorney’s reputation may be in trouble if that potential client complains about the attorney’s failure to come through on his or her guarantees or promises.

Even though a legal secretary’s statement may have been misunderstood, or if the staff member simply made a mistake, a potential client’s perception about legal representation is extremely important.  If that individual believes he or she has an attorney who will solve his or her legal matter satisfactorily, and the attorney is ultimately not able to reach the desired result, that client or potential client may complain that the attorney has misrepresented his or her guarantees as far as the legal services to be rendered.

Most Kansas professionals are not likely to be involved in a situation where a license is at risk for revocation or suspension as a direct result of a staff member’s conduct.  However, you can never be too careful when evaluating a situation where you, as a Kansas professional, did not adhere to certain responsibilities required pursuant to your profession’s code of conduct.  You may not even be aware that you violated any rule.  As such, speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney is the first step to understanding what you are dealing with.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Whether you are a physician, a dentist, an attorney, a chiropractor, or any other Kansas professional, having a qualified staff is important to the overall success of the business.  Given that a profession of stature carries with it numerous responsibilities, the mistakes staff members make are often blamed on the supervising professional.  It is not always possible to prevent staff members from making costly mistakes, and some Kansas professionals have felt the consequences in the form of license suspension or revocation.  If you are facing the potential loss of your professional license, it is imperative that you act quickly to speak with a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office devotes her law practice to helping fellow professionals by advocating for their rights and interests to the fullest extent possible.  Danielle Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas with the well-rounded experience and skill that you need in an attorney.  To schedule your free consultation to speak with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Sole Proprietorships – Ensuring You Keep Accurate Financial and Tax Records

Sole proprietorships could theoretically be as large as one wants.  However, most Kansas sole proprietorships are small businesses.  As a sole proprietor, keeping business financial records separate from personal financial records is extremely important.  Even though sole proprietors include both personal and business financial income and debt on their tax returns, it is still essential to document what income and expenses are business-related, and what income and/or expenses that are not business-related.  This may not seem like a difficult task from the outside looking in.

However, this task can become quite difficult if business owners and professionals do not keep up to date on records.  It is hard to go back in time and ensure the accuracy of financial documents, and documents that slip through the cracks and do not get recorded have the potential to place your professional license at risk if the mistake(s) somehow harms a client, patient, or other party.  If mistakes can be remedied, no long-term issue is likely to result.  In situations where accounting mistakes are very costly, it is crucial that you have the strongest professional license defense attorney possible standing by your side and advocating for your rights and interests.

How Sole Proprietorships Can Avoid Accounting Mistakes

While it is difficult for busy sole proprietors to stay on top of accounting and tax matters on their own, it is imperative that there is one staff member or third-party agency dedicated to only handling the business’s financial matters.  Many sole proprietors try to juggle everything in order to cut down on costs and keep everything in house.  This is something that does not work when existing staff members are multi-tasking.  Working with numbers in addition to other tasks can result in confusion and honest mistakes that have the potential to substantially alter the business’s financial information.

The best thing to do if it is not possible for an in-house employee to handle financial matters is to work with a third-party agency that is dedicated specifically for this purpose.  This relieves you, as the sole proprietor, of the burden of worrying whether or not someone is staying on top of the business’s financial matters.  If you feel you do have a good handle on your business’s financial situation, and that all records are in order, it is important to keep in mind that a time may come when you will need assistance to continue accurate record-keeping.  It is sometimes surprising for people to learn that inadequate record-keeping is a common cause of problems that can lead to the loss of a professional license in the state of Kansas as well as most other states.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a sole proprietor and you are facing disciplinary action or the potential loss of your Kansas professional license, contacting a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney is the best decision you can make.  Whether you simply have questions or you need an attorney to represent you, speaking with a skilled legal professional will help you have a better understanding of what you are facing.  It isn’t always easy to keep track of your financial records, and mistakes are bound to happen from time to time.  As a Kansas professional and sole proprietor facing the potential suspension or revocation of your professional license, you have a right to present your side of the facts and prove why you should be able to keep your license.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has spent her career helping other professionals keep their licenses.  Danielle Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, and this prosecutorial experience helps her provide her clients with unique legal representation.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Physicians – What to Do if Family Members or Friends Ask for Medical Advice

It is always nice to have that one doctor in the family that you can call for medical advice after office hours, receiving access to a physician’s care and services that other patients are not able to receive.  Many Kansas physicians often wonder if it is unethical for them to provide free medical care and/or advice to family members or friends.  There is a slippery slope where Kansas physicians must draw the line between familial and personal relationships and the physician-patient relationship.  There are a few steps Kansas physicians can take when answering medical questions and/or providing medical care to family and friends.

Be Clear on the Scope of Your Medical Services

Even if you are speaking with your closest cousin, you still should approach a medical situation as if your cousin was any other patient you are not related to.  This ensures that your cousin is receiving fair and quality medical care and/or advice, and that the standard of care is no different.  As long as your family member or friend fully understands what you are advising him or her on or treating him or her for, you have done your duty of drawing the line between a family relationship and clinical medicine.

Keep it Confidential

Most Kansas professionals are aware of the importance of confidentiality as it relates to any profession.  When it comes to medical care, federal and state laws have strict measures for protecting a patient’s medical information.  When helping a family member or friend, there may be a tendency to assume that other family members or friends are aware of this particular individual’s medical condition.  Even if it may be difficult to keep very important medical information away from certain family members and friends, sharing such information violates your patient’s rights as well as raises serious ethical concerns and the potential suspension or loss of your Kansas medical license.  This is why many physicians refuse to treat their family members and friends for certain medical conditions, preventing the issue from ever arising.

There will certainly be situations where prompt medical attention or basic medical advice may be given, and that is perfectly acceptable.  It is the more serious medical issues and more sensitive information that often presents a situation where you must have two separate relationships with your family member or friend – one as the relative or friend, and the other as only the physician.  If you have questions about how to handle issues involving family or friends seeking medical advice and/or treatment from you, speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney will help to answer your questions and ease your concerns.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas physician and you are facing the potential suspension or loss of your medical license, it is important that you consult with a highly skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  The rules governing the scope of a physician’s ability to offer certain medical care to family or friends isn’t always easy to understand.  No two situations will ever be alike, so it is difficult to determine whether medical care or advice is allowed in one situation and not in another.  As such, working alongside an attorney will help you fully understand your situation and what’s at stake.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has the dedication, resources, and experience to provide you with well-rounded legal representation, as she is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas with a unique perspective from the other side.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case, contact Danielle Sanger today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Have Ethical Questions About Your Kansas Profession? How an Attorney Can Help

Being a Kansas professional raises a lot of ethical concerns that you may come across on any given day.  There may come a time when you face an issue that requires you to make a judgment call that you may second-guess over and over in your head.  When it comes to tough questions that you are unsure how to answer or address, it is important that you seek out resources to determine whether or not your actions are ethical.  Otherwise, the issue will become a broken record that you may not be able to deal with on your own.

For example, if you are a personal injury attorney and you are unsure of whether or not you can withhold certain information from your client, it is essential to consult with the rules of professional conduct as well as speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  While not every professional license defense attorney is considered an expert on ethical issues, this attorney can still provide you with the guidance you need to make an informed decision that will protect both the attorney’s and the client’s rights and interests.

Why Be Ashamed of Contacting an Attorney?

If you are in a professional field other than law, it is understandable that you may feel uneasy about contacting an attorney.  After all, some people view attorneys in a negative light, so it is not surprising that these people are hesitant to speak with a legal professional.  If you are a dentist or physician, for example, you may face a situation where you believe a patient may blame you for unsatisfactory care or malpractice.  Many healthcare professionals panic when they come across an unhappy patient.  While there are certainly instances where healthcare professionals have committed malpractice that caused physical injuries to a patient, more often than not, a patient’s complaints are unfounded.

However, in order to know for sure how a particular situation may pan out, you should discuss your situation with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney armed with the specific skills and resources you need to feel rest assured that you are making the most ethical decisions possible.  By speaking with an attorney, you will not only have your questions answered and your concerns addressed, but you will also know how to approach situations in the future that present ethical dilemmas.  The only way to overcome an issue is to learn how to go through the process at some point.  It is better to work alongside an attorney than wonder on your own whether or not you are making ethical decisions as a Kansas professional.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Speaking with an attorney is in no way an admission of guilt or wrongdoing.  Attorneys represent clients in a variety of capacities, including pure consultation.  A Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney has the information and resources to provide much-needed advice to many Kansas professionals from all walks of life.  This attorney is not only limited to situations where your Kansas professional license may be at risk.  At the Sanger Law Office, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger provides guidance to clients in addition to helping other clients fight to keep their professional licenses.  Regardless of what particular legal service you may need, Danielle Sanger has well-rounded experience that sets her apart from the rest.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger can approach each client’s situation from all perspectives.  This enables her to ensure that her clients’ needs and wishes are fulfilled.  If you would like to schedule a free consultation to speak with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

How Social Media Can Impact Your Kansas Professional License

Each day it seems as though a new social media website has come into existence.  Most of us are aware of the most popular sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Social media allows us to share our thoughts and photographs, as well as view postings and photographs of other users.  While sharing information on social media sites seems to be relatively harmless, especially if you have controlled which individuals are able to view your profile, social media has still become a scary thing for many individuals.  After all, any individual can create an account, upload a picture, and call him or herself a certain name, and you may never know what that individual’s true identity is.

Aside from the general fears of sharing personal information on social media websites, certain Kansas professionals must be overly cautious when deciding to participate in social media in some way.  Anything you post, and any photograph you upload could come back to haunt any Kansas professional, regardless of whether certain privacy settings are in place.  For example, if a Kansas licensed physician has posted a photograph of him or herself getting drunk, he or she may not have broken the law by drinking (and posting the photograph), however, he or she may have raised questions by clients and/or patients as to the physician’s ability to do his or her job, when those clients and/or patients have come across the posting themselves.

Kansas professionals are people just like anyone else.  However, they are held to a higher standard that is regulated.  What may no big deal for the average individual could be significant for a Kansas attorney, or Kansas chiropractor, for example.  As such, social media is something to be wary of and used in a way that will not impact your ability to continue working in your designated Kansas profession.

What’s at Stake        

Your professional license and reputation are on the line at all times, and your life is often termed an open book when you hold yourself out as a Kansas professional who helps clients or patients in some way.  Even what may seem to be a benign posting about a joke could turn out to be something that offends a great number of your clientele or patients.

If you ultimately face the loss of your Kansas professional license, you not only have to deal with the stress of fighting to keep your license, but also the stress of dealing with rumors that may be untrue, and/or dealing with the financial cost of no longer being able to work in your designated field.  Social media has helped shape today’s culture in many ways, and while there are certainly some positive aspects of social media, there are countless ways in which social media can have a negative impact on your profession.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Social media has changed the rules and customs of much of our way of life, and it is difficult for many professions to keep up with such extensive and fast change.  If you are facing the potential loss of your Kansas professional license, the first thing you should do is consult with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has devoted a significant portion of her career to helping Kansas professionals fight allegations and disciplinary action that may result in the loss of their professional licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger knows what to expect from any Kansas professional licensing board, regardless of what your particular profession is.  Speaking with an attorney about your situation in no way is an admission of fault or guilt.  In fact, speaking with an attorney is one of the best decisions you can make to protect your career.  To schedule your free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Veterinary Professionals – The Importance of Having a Sterile Environment

It goes without saying that a sterile environment is essential for any healthcare facility, and animal hospitals and veterinary clinics are no exception.  Even though it may seem like a basic task to keep an animal hospital or veterinary clinic sterile, many Kansas veterinary professionals, whether intentional or not, make mistakes that could result in the spread of infection from animal to animal.  For example, forgetting to place a used needle in a biohazard container could result in an animal coming into contact with that needle.  Any germs on the needle have now passed to the animal, placing the animal at risk for contracting a harmful infection.

The Kansas Board of Veterinary Examiners places significant importance on having a clean and sterile environment to treat animals in need of care.  If failure to maintain a sterile environment results in harm to any particular animal, the Board may have grounds for imposing disciplinary action, which may be very minor, but has the potential to be very serious as well.  Whether a pet’s owner files a complaint with the Board, or a fellow employee notifies the Board, for example, an individual faces scrutiny that could place his or her Kansas professional license at risk for suspension or even revocation.

Are You Facing Allegations by the Kansas Board of Veterinary Examiners?

If you have received notice of a complaint regarding unsterile conditions at your animal hospital or animal clinic, it is imperative to act quickly.  While some veterinary professionals place absolutely no emphasis on the need to have a sterile environment, many veterinary professionals do their best to keep a sterile environment, and sometimes just make mistakes, such as the example discussed above regarding the discarded needle.  In such cases, it cannot be stressed enough how crucial it is that you have a legal professional working alongside you to defend your rights and interests.

You have worked too long and too hard to lose your Kansas veterinary license over something that could have been avoided.  Perhaps you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and did not really do anything to substantiate an allegation of having an unsterile environment.  However, by simply offering services as a veterinary professional in an animal hospital or veterinary clinic, you are held responsible regardless of if you are individually responsible for one small mistake.  With the assistance of an attorney, you will be able to build a defense that demonstrates that you do not deserve to lose your Kansas professional license.  Having the right attorney can be the key difference between a successful and unsuccessful attempt to keep your Kansas professional license.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Whether you are facing the potential loss of your professional license, or if you simply have questions about what can put your license at risk, you should consult with a legal professional as soon as possible.  When your career is on the line, it is essential to have an advocate standing by your side.  At the Sanger Law Office, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas who helps veterinary professionals as well as all other types of Kansas professionals fight to keep their licenses.  No matter what the reason may be for why your license is at risk, you deserve strong legal representation.  Danielle Sanger utilizes her well-rounded experience, dedication and advocacy skills to ensure her clients have the best chance possible of avoiding the suspension or revocation of their professional licenses.  If you would like to speak with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.