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Professional Licensees: Just Say “No” to Inappropriate Client/Patient Relations

It is common knowledge that workplace romances are a bad idea. Yet, people continue to date their co-workers or in some cases, even their supervisors. Although these relationships can cause problems for other employees, most employers do not prohibit such relationships.  Licensees, on the other hand, are regulated not only by their employer but also […]

Prescription Drug War Can Take Down Unwary Pharmacists

As a pharmacist, you are probably well aware that prescription drug abuse is on the rise. Unlike illegal drugs where most battles are fought on neighborhood streets and involve gangs, the prescription drug war is happening in physician’s offices and pharmacies across the country. In late 2012, a story broke about four young men who […]

Professional Boundaries: The Slippery Slope of Nursing in Kansas

The role of a nurse is to be a trusted caregiver to a patient.  The ability to help a person in a time of need is what often influences people to become a nurse in the first place. Whether a patient is in a nursing home or in a hospital, the patient is in a […]

Kansas Physical Therapists: The Seven Deadly Sins

As a physical therapist, your professional license is not just a symbol of your accomplishment but they key to your livelihood. However, it only takes one misstep and all that you have worked so hard to accomplish can be gone in an instant. Here are some of the most common errors that have cost physical […]

Top 5 Reasons Why Social Security Disability Insurance Benefit Applications are Rejected

During the process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”), people tend to think of all of the reasons why they should be awarded benefits.  Perhaps you cannot work as a result of your injuries, or you were diagnosed with an illness that has rendered you unable to enjoy life as you did before […]

Working & Collecting Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Generally speaking, if you are working at the level of engaging in a “substantial gainful activity”, or SGA, you will likely be unable to receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI).  Hence, a person who is making more than a certain amount per month is considered to be engaging in SGA.  Specifically, SGA means is […]

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