Tag Archive for: Kansas professional license defense attorney

Do Allegations of Medical Malpractice Harm My License to Practice Medicine in Kansas?

Medical malpractice is an area of tort law that addresses the alleged negligence of a physician, and how such alleged negligence caused a patient to suffer injuries.  Such cases can be difficult, and the consequences could harm not only a physician’s reputation, but that physician’s ability to practice medicine in the future.  Depending on the severity of the allegedly negligent conduct in question, and evidence that there was in fact medical malpractice that caused a patient to suffer injuries, a Kansas physician may be able to keep his or her license to practice medicine despite a plaintiff’s success at trial.  Even if a plaintiff receives a settlement or jury verdict, this does not necessarily reflect that the physician’s pattern of practice is to act negligently.  Mistakes happen, but if a particular mistake causes serious harm or death to a patient, the physician’s license to practice medicine could be at risk.

No Two Cases Are Alike

There are Kansas physicians who have been sued multiple times but have still been able to retain their licenses to practice medicine in the state of Kansas.  This is good news for Kansas physicians who strongly belief the alleged medical malpractice is unfounded.  The Kansas Board of Healing Arts evaluates each particular case based on its own unique facts.  If a Kansas physician is facing the possible suspension or revocation of his or her license to practice medicine, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts will take a close look at each allegation of medical malpractice to determine if such allegations, if true, would reflect the physician’s inability to fulfill his or her duties to patients.  As such, one physician’s experience when dealing with medical malpractice allegations cannot be used as the standard case when no two cases are guaranteed to have the same result.

Overcoming Allegations of Medical Malpractice

Many Kansas physicians have fallen victim to false allegations of medical malpractice and/or complaints with the Kansas Board of Healing Arts that have absolutely no merit.  Because an allegation alone can be harmful to your representation, and may result in a disciplinary investigation, you should not hesitate to speak with an attorney who can help you fight false allegations and take all steps possible to keep your license to practice medicine.

Explaining your side of the story to the Kansas Board of Healing Arts with the assistance of your attorney will be your opportunity to prove why you deserve to continue practicing medicine lawfully in the state of Kansas.  Most allegations of misconduct or malpractice across most professions turn out to be unfounded.  While the simple act of receiving a complaint is stressful and frightening, having an understanding that many allegations and complaints to the Kansas professional licensing boards will result in no investigation at all will help you get through a very difficult time.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Hundreds of Kansas physicians face medical malpractice lawsuits for a variety of reasons.  While many lawsuits are unfounded, there are those few that are legitimate cases that call into question a physician’s conduct in one particular situation.  If you are a Kansas physician, and you are concerned about how allegations of medical malpractice could negatively impact your license to practice medicine, you should speak with an experienced Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office takes pride in applying her former experience to provide her clients with the best legal representation possible.  If you would like to discuss your situation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Criminal Conduct That May Result in the Loss of Your Kansas Professional License

The state of Kansas takes criminal conduct very seriously, and if a criminal conviction could compromise your ability to continue working in your profession, the licensing board for your profession may consider suspending or terminating your professional license.  As such, it is important to have a general understanding of what type of crimes could put your professional license at risk if you are ultimately convicted of a crime.

Depending on what your profession is, a criminal conviction could still result in the loss of your professional license even if the crime at issue had no relation to your profession and there was not a strong indication that the criminal conviction would negatively affect your ability to continue working in your profession.  For example, if you are a Kansas attorney who has been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), you may face disciplinary action, but you will likely still be able to keep your law license depending on the particular facts and circumstances of the conviction.  The less serious the DUI conviction, the less likely it is that you will lose your law license.  If you have multiple DUI convictions, then the Kansas disciplinary board is more likely to consider the revocation of your law license.

On the other hand, if you are a Kansas medical professional (whether a physician, nurse or chiropractor, among others), one minor DUI conviction may result in the loss of your professional license.  This is because the crime reflects conduct that may be associated with the care of patients and whether or not those patients are receiving safe and optimal attention and treatment.  Even if a DUI is an isolated event that does not reflect the true character of the professional, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts may take a different viewpoint.

Further, crimes relating to dishonesty are taken just as seriously as drug or alcohol charges, because a crime relating to dishonesty may negatively reflect on the professional’s ability to tell the truth in his or her profession.  Even if there was one act of dishonesty where a Kansas professional forged a check or signed another person’s name to a document, for example, the Kansas professional licensing boards may link the isolated conduct to the general conduct of the person in his or her professional role.  Because so much is at stake when dealing with criminal charges and subsequent convictions, the sooner you are able to speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney, the sooner you can fight the potential consequences and tell your story as to why you deserve to keep your professional license.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If a criminal charge or conviction has put your Kansas professional license at risk, it is imperative that you seek the assistance of a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  While not all criminal convictions will result in the loss of your professional license, some certainly could threaten your ability to continue your career for the foreseeable future.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has helped clients with a variety of issues relating to the potential loss of a professional license, whether it be a law license, chiropractic license, or nursing license, among others.  Danielle Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, and she uses this prior experience to provide her clients with well-rounded legal representation.  To schedule a free consultation with Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Physicians – Petitioning for Reinstatement of Your License to Practice Medicine

Losing your license to practice medicine in the state of Kansas is undoubtedly one of the most devastating things that can happen in your lifetime.  At the time you lose your license, you may not even be thinking of how to get your license back in the future, as many physicians simply lose their license without ever attempting to get the license back.  Many Kansas physicians may not even be aware that reinstatement is a real possibility.  As such, if you would like to seek reinstatement of your Kansas medical license, you may do so by following the steps required by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts and Kansas state law.

Kansas Requirements for Reinstating Your Medical License

Under Kansas law, any professional whose license has been revoked may petition for reinstatement of his or her professional license at least three years after the effective date of your license revocation.  While three years may seem like a long time, it is short enough that you may see light at the end of the tunnel, especially if you believe you have a strong case for reinstatement of your medical license.  When determining whether or not to accept your petition and reinstate your medical license, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts will consider factors including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The nature and severity of the conduct that gave rise to the revocation of your medical license in the first place;
  • Whether or not you have been sufficiently rehabilitated such that you would not commit the same acts that led to revocation of your medical license in the first place;
  • Affidavits of support from colleagues and friends who can attest to your moral and ethical character as a Kansas physician, supporting the reasons why your medical license should be reinstated; and
  • Whether or not the Kansas Board of Healing Arts revoked your professional license without sufficient evidence the first time, even though you may have appealed the Board’s decision that subsequently denied.

As the petitioner seeking reinstatement of your Kansas medical license, you have the burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that you have had sufficient rehabilitation to justify the reinstatement of your medical license.  In order to ensure that you have all of the evidence necessary to obtain reinstatement, you should consider speaking with a skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who will advocate on your behalf as you strive to work in the medical field once again.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Going through the strenuous years of medical school is well worth it if you are able to carry out your goals of being a licensed physician in the state of Kansas.  However, if your professional license has been revoked for any reason at all, you likely feel a sense of uncertainty, as you do not know whether or not you will be able to practice medicine in the state of Kansas ever again, or in any other state for that matter.  If your medical license has been revoked and you believe there are valid grounds for reinstatement of your license, it is imperative that you consult with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who will provide you with what options you have for seeking the reinstatement of your medical license.  At the Sanger Law Office, Danielle Sanger will advocate on your behalf to the fullest extent possible to help you get your license back.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger has a very expansive knowledge of the professional licensing process and how to fight disciplinary action.  To schedule a free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Real Estate Agents – Top Reasons for Losing Your License

When thinking about a real estate license, most people do not consider a profession in real estate to be as regulated as the medical field, veterinary field, or legal field.  However, as is the case with all professions that require a license in the state of Kansas, real estate agents are subject to strict regulations that, if violated, could result in the loss of a real estate license.  If you are a Kansas real estate agent, you should be aware of the common reasons why Kansas real estate agents lose their license.  Such reasons include, but certainly are not limited to, the following:

  • Failure to Disclose All Material Facts About the Property – When seeking to purchase a home, potential buyers obviously want to be aware of all aspects of a home they may consider purchasing.  Real estate agents have a duty to disclose all material facts they are aware of, such as a roof leak, the presence of black mold, and foundation issues, among others.  When real estate agents do not disclose such key facts, a buyer may not be getting what he or she bargained for, and this could be detrimental to the buyer’s ability to own the home without problems in the future.
  • Failure to Review Final Documents – All final sale documents should accurately memorialize a home sale agreement and all the steps that were taken to ensure good title on the home and identity any potential defects to title.  While we all make clerical mistakes at some point, a clerical mistake in a home purchase agreement could materially change the meaning of the deal.  If a home buyer signs an agreement that does not accurately reflect the deal the parties agreed to, the home buyer may have problems later on when interpreting the meaning of the purchase agreement.
  • Failure to Take Continuing Education Courses – Most, if not all professions require some form of continuing education in Kansas that is necessary for keeping a professional license in good standing.  Kansas real estate agents are no exception, and a simple failure to take a continuing education course can cause your license to be invalid, and this is easily preventable.
  • Clarifying Who You Represent – As a real estate agent, you may represent the buyer, the seller or be a dual agent for both parties.  However, real estate agents sometimes do not make clear what their relationship is in a particular home purchase deal.  If all parties understand your role, there will be little if any chance of a dispute arising later on regarding your role in the particular deal.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

The real estate industry is a little more laid back than others, such as the legal field and medical field.  However, real estate agents are still held to a high standard that must be met in order to obtain and lawfully keep a real estate license.  If you are a Kansas real estate agent, it is very important that you follow all steps and procedures that are required as part of your profession and that you don’t make those small mistakes that could cost you your professional license.  If you are facing disciplinary action and your Kansas real estate license is at risk, it is essential that you seek the advice of a seasoned Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney with the experience, skill and dedication necessary to provide you with the best legal representation possible.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger knows what to expect from the licensing board and will seek to protect your rights and interests to the fullest extent possible.  To schedule a free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Professionals – Dealing With Substance or Drug Abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse are prevalent among all walks of life in both the state of Kansas and throughout the United States.  While most of us are clearly aware of how alcohol or drug use can negatively impact one’s ability to function at a normal level, some people are simply losing the fight to addiction, which is essentially a medical disease that requires extensive treatment to overcome.  It is often difficult to acknowledge when you yourself, a fellow attorney, or fellow chiropractor has a substance or drug abuse problem.  However, when the well-being of clients and patients is on the line, it is imperative that all steps are taken to prevent an impaired professional from working with clients or treating patients.

 What Steps You Should Take

Whether you yourself have substance abuse problems or a colleague is suffering from such problems, the first step to take is to stop practicing in your profession immediately.  This proactive step conforms with what your professional licensing board would ask of you.  Taking the initiative to acknowledge a problem is a sign that you take your profession very seriously and you do not want to cause any harm to your clients or patients.  After ceasing to practice in your profession, you should seek treatment from a rehabilitative facility to learn how to overcome your substance or drug abuse problem.  It is also important to be aware that your professional licensing board may want to be kept informed as to the progress of your condition and recovery.

After taking the big steps forward to cease practicing in your profession and seek help for your substance or drug abuse problem, you may be ready to get back into your profession, but you may need to take additional measures before fully integrating back into your career field.  If the professional licensing board is aware of your substance or drug abuse problem, you may be required to undergo special classes or a diversion program where your conduct and behavior are evaluated.  However, each case is different, and if you never received a disciplinary notice or threat to your professional license in the first place, you may not have very many obstacles before returning to work. A diligent Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney can review your case in detail and ensure you are complying with all requirements imposed by the professional licensing board that regulates your profession.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Whether you are a physician, an attorney, a nurse practitioner, a dentist, or any other professional requiring a license in the state of Kansas, it is important to understand just how devastating the consequences can be when work is mixed with substance or drug abuse.  If you or someone you know is facing disciplinary action that somehow relates to the use of alcohol or drugs on the job, it is imperative that you speak with a highly skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  Kansas professional boards do have an understanding of how alcohol and drug abuse can be destructive to both your life and your career, and there are programs that can help Kansas professionals seek the treatment they need and deserve.  However, if treatment is not sought, and a Kansas professional breaches the rules and/or conduct of his or her profession, the loss of a professional license is a real possibility.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas who has helped numerous Kansas professionals face and overcome the threat of losing their professional license.  To speak with Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney, contact the Sanger Law Office today to schedule a free consultation by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Attorneys – The Importance of Timekeeping

Many Kansas attorneys work in firms that bill clients at an hourly rate.  This type of billing system makes it very easy for firms to keep accurate time – as timekeeping is essential to correctly billing clients.  However, a large number of Kansas attorneys work in firms that bill clients on a contingency fee basis, or another billing system that doesn’t necessarily require strict timekeeping.  Some law firms believe timekeeping is not necessary at all unless you are billing clients at an hourly rate.  While there is no requirement that all law firms, regardless of their billing practices, must keep time on all work that is completed for each client, adequate timekeeping is something that all law firms should consider.

Problems That May Result From Inadequate Timekeeping

If you or your law firm has either an inadequate timekeeping system, or no timekeeping system at all, you could face problems later on when clients question how much work has been done on their case.  Such problems include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Client challenges to billing practices and the adequacy of attorneys’ fees that are assessed on a particular client’s case;
  • Inadequate, or complete lack of proof that certain work was completed on a particular client’s case; and
  • Complaints that another attorney could have provided the same or similar legal services at a lower fee percentage.

Many attorneys believe that these problems are not typically experienced by firms that have a contingency fee billing system.  However, if a client questions the adequacy of the percentage of attorneys’ fees that are assessed as to his or her legal representation, that client should be able to view documentation that certain work was completed on this individual client’s case.  Even if a client has signed a contract agreeing to a particular contingency fee to be obtained by the attorney, that client still may question the validity of the percentage, especially if there is evidence that very little work was done on this client’s case.  While this does not happen very often, all Kansas attorneys must be prepared for anything, even in cases where clients are simply wrong.

Attorneys are not likely to be subject to disciplinary action or the potential loss of their Kansas law license for inadequate timekeeping.  However, if a client does file a complaint with the Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator, having documentation of the time, cost, and quantity of services dedicated to this particular client will make the disciplinary process go much smoother.

It is very important to understand that most attorneys will not be subject to discipline or lose their Kansas law license simply due to a client complaint regarding inadequate timekeeping and/or the validity of a contingency fee agreement.  But, as a Kansas attorney, you must expect and be prepared for a client to make allegations that are unfounded, and that you can quickly dismiss by proving the amount of time, effort, and money you spent on this particular client’s case.  Whatever steps you can take now regarding the implementation of an adequate timekeeping system, the better off you will be in the event you face complaints by a client that may involve disciplinary proceedings.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas attorney, and your license is at risk or you may be facing other disciplinary action, it is important to consult with a skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who will ensure your rights and interests are being protected to the fullest extent possible.  Being accused of professional misconduct or any other conduct that may result in the loss of your law license certainly creates an emotional and stressful environment.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas with the experience and dedication you need in a professional license defense attorney.  Danielle Sanger’s prior experience helps her provide her clients with outstanding legal representation, and she understands just how important it is for you to keep your law license.  If you would like to discuss your case with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Medical Professionals – Identifying Your Practice of Medicine

The term “doctor” is used to describe a variety of medical professionals who have earned degrees in different medical disciplines. For example, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, medical doctors, optometrists, and many others are all referred to as “doctors.”  Most patients who see a particular medical professional are most likely aware of what type of “doctor” this medical professional is.  However, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts requires that all “doctors” identify what type of doctor they are, whether the name is identified on advertisements, on work-related documents, or anywhere else where the doctor’s name or practice is conveyed in any manner to patients or potential patients.  This requirement protects both patients and doctors, as there can be no dispute about what type of doctor a patient has seen if the doctor has adequately identified his or her practice of medicine.

The Potential for Suspension of Your Kansas Professional License

The Kansas Board of Healing Arts takes all rules and regulations very seriously.  Even a small mistake such as forgetting to put “M.D.” on your letterhead can lead to the suspension of your professional license.  A Wichita chiropractor experienced just how strict the Kansas Board of Healing Arts can be.  His chiropractic license was suspended for thirty (30) days, having been reduced from a recommended ninety (90) days, for failing to specify in two advertisements that he was a Kansas licensed chiropractor.  It may seem harsh that a Kansas medical professional is at risk for having his or her license suspended for a simple mistake that is essentially a typographical error, however, there is good reason why the Kansas Board of Healing Arts takes this matter very seriously.

If a patient only sees a medical professional’s name beginning with “Dr.,” but no identifier as to what type of doctor this person is, there is a risk that the patient will be confused or misrepresented by the lack of key information about this medical professional.  For example, if the doctor advertises him or herself as an expert in treating foot injuries, potential patients may believe this doctor is an orthopedic surgeon, when in fact the doctor is a podiatrist.  While podiatrists do specialize in treating foot injuries and conditions, patients may wish to see an orthopedic surgeon who is a licensed medical doctor.  If the patient is not informed that the doctor is a podiatrist, that patient is not receiving accurate information about that doctor, and cannot make an informed decision as to whether or not this is the right doctor to treat the patient’s foot injuries.  Failure to identify a medical specialty can be interpreted as misrepresentation, depending on the information that is being conveyed to patients.

In order to prevent a small mistake from threatening your professional license, you should ensure that anytime your name is written, spoken, or conveyed in any other way to patients or potential patients in your capacity as a medical professional, it is important to verify that you properly identify your medical specialty.  Leaving off “M.D.,” “D.C.,” or “D.O.” from your professional name can leave you with a suspended professional license for a significant period of time, and simple editing can prevent such suspension.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas medical professional, and you are facing disciplinary action or the potential loss of your professional license, it is essential that you speak with a highly experienced Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  Whether you are a dentist, a chiropractor, or an optometrist, among other doctors, if the Kansas Board of Healing Arts believes you have not properly identified your medical specialty pursuant to the Board’s rules and regulations, then you are at risk for losing your professional license.  At the Sanger Law Office, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger has the dedication and skill to help you fight to keep your professional license.  Danielle Sanger’s experience as a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas helps her provide outstanding and well-rounded legal services to her clients.  To schedule your free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Pharmacy Professionals – Communicating Warnings to Patients

Pharmacy professionals, whether pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, or other pharmacy employees, have a duty to communicate warnings to patients regarding particular medications, and potential drug interactions. While pharmacy technicians and other pharmacy employees may not have the same knowledge as pharmacists regarding the reasons for drug warnings, they should still communicate warnings that are included on the prescription bottle and package insert that accompanies the medication.

The pharmaceutical industry grows each day and new warnings may be issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that need to be communicated to patients, such as Black Box Warnings regarding serious side-effects of particular drugs. If patients suffer injuries or illnesses as a result of a medication or a drug interaction, and no warning was given that may have prevented the injuries or illnesses from occurring, a pharmacy professional may be accused of playing a role in causing the injuries and/or illnesses.

For example, if a pharmacy technician failed to communicate a warning that was clearly noted on the patient’s file or on the prescription bottle itself, and the patient experienced side-effects from the medication, or from drug interactions with other medications, the pharmacy technician may face disciplinary action from the Kansas Board of Pharmacy. Further, the pharmacist supervising the pharmacy technician may also face disciplinary action if he or she did not adequately train the pharmacy technician to communicate warnings to patients.

Potential Disciplinary Action

If you are facing disciplinary action, and you have no idea what the potential consequences are if the Kansas Board of Pharmacy issues an adverse decision against you, it is important to consult with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible. Depending on the nature and severity of the injuries or illnesses suffered by a patient, and depending upon the seriousness of the pharmacy professional’s mistake in failing to warn the patient about drug warnings, the pharmacy professional faces one or more of the following disciplinary actions:

  • Public reprimand;
  • Private reprimand;
  • Suspension of your professional license for a period of time
  • Requirement to attend an educational program regarding pharmacy practices; and
  • Revocation of your professional license.

What may not seem like a big deal to most people, such as a minor warning that a patient may have an upset stomach after taking a particular medication, could actually turn out to be a very big deal. A simple mistake could cost you your professional license and may subject you to a civil lawsuit. As such, if you are facing any type of disciplinary proceeding before the Kansas Board of Pharmacy, it is imperative that you seek the advice of a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who fully understands the disciplinary process and how crucial such proceedings can be for determining the fate of your professional license. Regardless of how serious you believe your situation is, your attorney can thoroughly explain all options, all potential outcomes to your situation, and how to move on once everything is all said and done.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a pharmacy professional, you are aware of what your responsibilities are in terms of educating patients on the medications they are taking. When mistakes happen, or accusations are made, it is important to consult with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away to address the situation. With your career on the line, it is important to speak with an attorney sooner rather than later. Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who devotes her law practice to helping Kansas professionals keep their licenses and practice in their profession for many years to come. As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger understands your situation from all angles. To schedule a free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.



What Doctors Should Know About Prescribing Medication for Family and Friends

Having a doctor in your family or among your group of friends can prove to be useful for getting general medical advice, receiving medical care in an emergency situation, or receiving care after hours, when physician offices are closed, among many other situations. Generally, there is nothing wrong with a physician prescribing medication for a family member or friend so long as there is a clear indication that the medication is medically necessary and there are symptoms documented to support the physician’s decision to prescribe the medication. If physicians use their prescribing authority ethically and in good faith, there should never be any accusation that the physician is abusing his or her authority to write prescriptions.

When You Could Get Into Trouble

In Kansas, the use of prescribed controlled substances is heavily regulated. There are certainly situations where a patient legitimately needs prescription pain medication to treat severe pain following an accident, or operation, for example. However, if a Kansas physician is prescribing controlled substances to family members or friends for non-emergency medical ailments, such as headaches, or general pain with no clear diagnosis of what is causing the pain, then the physician could be accused of abusing his or her prescribing authority. As such, regardless of what medication you are prescribing, who you are prescribing the medication to, and why you are prescribing it, it is imperative to ensure that your records clearly document all details relating to your prescription practices.

Being able to prescribe your ill family member or friend medication in a time of need is a convenience that may save time and money. But, Kansas physicians should be cautious and only prescribe medication when no other viable alternative is available, and/or if there is clear documentation of medical necessity that justifies prescribing the medication.

Regulation of Prescription Practices Has Become Much Stricter in Kansas

Legitimately prescribing medication to family members or friends was not always a concern for many Kansas physicians. However, given that the prescription drug industry is booming, and given that there is an abundance of individuals who have prescription drug dependence, Kansas has cracked down to ensure that all prescriptions for controlled substances in Kansas are tracked, and regulations have been put into place to monitor physician prescribing practices.

Because there is so much at risk for Kansas physicians, prescribing medication for family members and friends should only be done when absolutely necessary. It is better to protect yourself and take all steps necessary to ensure you are complying with Kansas state law and the rules and regulations of the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a physician, you have the requisite education and experience to make a decision as to whether or not a loved one is in need of medical care. As a physician, you are allowed to prescribe medication for a particular purpose, however, many physicians fail to keep proper records regarding when and why medication is prescribed to loved ones. It is essential that all prescribing practices are fully documented so that there can be no question regarding the efficacy of the prescriptions being written. If you are a Kansas physician and your professional license may be at risk due to alleged unethical or wrongful prescription practices, it is important that you speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away. As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has the skill, experience, and dedication necessary to help you keep your license to practice medicine in the state of Kansas. To schedule a free consultation, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.



Kansas Professionals – What You Should Know About Misrepresentation

Most businesses have turned to the internet for advertising, as people often search google to find a doctor, pharmacist, attorney, or other Kansas professional. While the internet has proved to be useful for businesses and has helped professionals grow, there are also downsides that can lead to the detriment of Kansas professionals. Any information that you advertise to patients or clients on your website must be accurate. Individuals looking at your website may believe you are an expert in a particular field because of the way you advertise your services.

For example, if you are looking for a doctor who alleges to specialize in treating migraines, but that doctor does not have any special training or degree to substantiate the specialty, that doctor may be accused of misrepresentation. While this doctor may have extensive experience with treating migraines, and has done endless research, without a degree or certificate relating to the specialty, that doctor may be representing to potential patients that he or she is an expert or specialist in the area of migraine headaches, and that such a specialty typically requires a degree or certificate. Because most people receive information from the internet, wording is very important. A few words could change the meaning or interpretation of the description of a professional’s specialty. Therefore, in order to avoid accusations of misrepresentation, it is essential that all information communicated through the internet is valid.

Consequences of Misrepresentation

Whether intended or not, if a professional misrepresents his or her qualifications to a potential patient or client, and that person is injured or harmed in some way, the professional may be held responsible for any injuries or monetary harm suffered by the individual. Using the example above regarding the migraine specialist, if this specialist used manual techniques to relieve migraines, such as massaging or pushing on the head or neck in some way, and the patient is injured, that doctor may be liable for those injuries if he or she has no degree or certification authorizing the use of manual treatment for migraines.

If accused of misrepresentation and the Kansas professional board wishes to bring disciplinary action against you, it is important that you have a skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney by your side to defend your rights and help you keep your professional license. Your version of the facts must be presented for you to have a fair proceeding, and your attorney will ensure that you have a well-prepared case to help reach a positive result.

More often than not, Kansas professionals have no intention of misrepresenting themselves, but because of how information is communicated through the internet, and other media outlets, it is understandable how prospective patients or clients could misinterpret what is being represented to them. As such, it is important to speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who can explain what steps you should take to avoid being subject to disciplinary proceedings.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas professional, whether a physician, attorney, pharmacist, veterinarian, or any other professional, and your professional license is at risk, you should consult with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away. Being accused of misrepresentation creates feelings of stress, anxiety, and a feeling of helplessness. Simply being accused of misconduct does not prove anything. You have an opportunity to present your own version of the facts to your professional disciplinary board. In order to understand what misrepresentation means, and what you can do to avoid being accused of misrepresentation, contact Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office to discuss your situation. Danielle Sanger is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas and devotes her law practice to helping Kansas professionals keep their licenses and fight disciplinary charges or complaints. To schedule your free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact us today by calling (785) 979-4353.