Tag Archive for: Kansas professional license defense attorney

Kansas Healthcare Providers – Understanding New Restrictions on Some Prescription Medications

This past October, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reclassified certain hydrocodone pain medications from Schedule III to Schedule II.  This reclassification has placed certain restrictions on how and when physicians can prescribe pain medication subject to this rule change.  While the Kansas Board of Healing Arts seeks to keep all Kansas healthcare professionals apprised of rule changes, it is sometimes difficult to stay on top of rule changes that seem to occur left and right.

Whether you are a physician, a nurse practitioner, a physician’s assistant, or any other healthcare professional in the state of Kansas, you play a role in the quality healthcare that patients receive.  Even if you do not have the authority to write prescription medication for patients, you must be aware of all rules related to prescription practices.  If you are not aware of rule changes such as the reclassification of certain hydrocodone pain medications, the greater the chance is that you could make a mistake when ordering and/or administering medication.

For example, if you call-in or fax a Schedule II hydrocodone medication prescription to a pharmacy, you are violating the new rule change that prescriptions for applicable hydrocodone medication must be in written form only and taken directly to a pharmacy.  While it is highly unlikely that you will lose your Kansas professional license for making a common mistake associated with rule changes, it is still a good example to demonstrate that rules can have a significant impact on how you administer healthcare, and what you must do to adapt your practices to the rule changes.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

In order to avoid those small mistakes that have the potential to violate rule changes, you should be proactive in reviewing literature, reviewing the FDA and DEA websites, collaborating with fellow healthcare professionals, and seeking information or advice from the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.  There are numerous ways to ensure you are a step ahead.  Simply keeping yourself up to date will minimize the chances that you will be at risk for losing your Kansas professional license due to a rule violation involving the prescription of certain hydrocodone medications, or anything else for that matter.

To even further protect yourself, you may consider consulting with an attorney who can provide you with definitive information as to what conduct may cause you to face the potential loss of your professional license.  Knowledge is power, and the more you are able to learn from various sources, the less likely you are to violate a rule such as the rule change implemented by the DEA regarding prescription practices for certain hydrocodone medications.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas healthcare professional, you know all too well that patients heavily rely on the information they receive from you.  Given that restrictions on certain prescription medications have strengthened, you need to be even more aware of the limitations you have on when and how much of a particular medication to prescribe.  Many law-abiding and ethical Kansas medical professionals have faced the potential loss of their professional license for one reason or another.  Regardless of how minor or serious your situation may seem to be, it is crucial to consider speaking with a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office devotes her law practice to helping Kansas professionals fight to keep their hard-earned professional licenses.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger has prosecutorial experience that enables her to provide her clients with well-rounded and superior legal representation.  To schedule your free consultation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Medical Professionals – Ensuring Your Patients Understand Your Billing Policies

One of the biggest quibbles patients have with their healthcare providers is over the legitimacy of a bill.  We all know just how expensive healthcare can be, and it is unlikely that patients have the ability to pay all of their medical bills without health insurance.  Even with health insurance, patients are still stuck paying a significant portion of their medical expenses in the form of deductibles, co-pays for office visits, and the cost of prescription medication.  Because many patients do have difficulty managing their medical expenses, it is no wonder that they are more meticulous when it comes to reviewing bills they have received from healthcare providers.

Managing Patient Billing Disputes

When a patient comes into your office (or calls your office) to question a particular bill, it is always important to first make sure the patient is aware of your billing policies.  While most healthcare providers have language in the initial paperwork given to patients that specifically define the provider’s billing policies, many patients claim to not understand the policies, or indicate that they do not remember agreeing to such policies.  One way to address this issue is to not only ensure the patient reads the billing policies, and signs an acknowledgement form, but to also have a verbal discussion with the patient to confirm that there is a full and complete understanding of the billing policies.

Even if your billing policies are clear, patients may still complain about the cost and will simply state that they are unable to pay.  In such cases, it is a good idea to work with the patient to formulate a payment plan that best suits the patients.  Even if a patient is only able to make a small monthly payment towards his or her balance, this is something that helps your practice collect past due payments, but it also provides patients with peace of mind that they can continue to receive care and not worry about a looming medical bill.

Further, to make clear to your patients that billing policies are important, and to better inform your patients about the care they are receiving, some healthcare providers have considered itemizing medical bills in greater detail.  This is not unlike the explanation of benefits patients receive from their medical insurance providers; however, when patients receive such detailed information from their medical providers, they may be less inclined to dispute the legitimacy of a particular bill.  Overall, open communication with your patients regarding billing policies is essential, and while there will always be those few patients that complain, the majority of patients will understand what is expected of them.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a medical professional, you likely know just how frustrating and stressful billing matters can be.  Some patients may even complain to the Kansas Board of Healing Arts if they are unhappy with a particular medical provider.  Oftentimes, complaints are without merit; however, it is essential to have a strong advocate by your side if you are facing a complaint.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who has the experience and skill you need to fight any complaint or disciplinary action.  Ms. Sanger has helped numerous clients keep their Kansas professional licenses, and as a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, she knows what to expect from those in charge of investigating complaints and other allegations of misconduct.  If you are facing the potential loss of your professional license, it is crucial that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible.  Danielle Sanger has the resources and dedication to help you overcome a very challenging time.  To speak with Ms. Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office to schedule your free consultation by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Teachers – Knowing When to Draw the Line

Over the past decade, many teachers across the country have been disciplined, and even arrested in some cases, for having inappropriate sexual relations with students.  Most of these occurrences involve high school teachers and high school students; however, there have been some cases where middle school teachers and students have had inappropriate sexual relations.

While many teachers have certainly crossed the line by having a sexual relationship with a student, there are also situations where allegations may be untrue or grossly exaggerated.  If a student reports that an inappropriate relationship exists between a student and a teacher, school administration officials will take such allegations very seriously, even if there is evidence to suggest no relationship exists.  It is frustrating and unfortunate that many teachers are falsely accused of such serious and inappropriate conduct year after year.

Do What You Can to Protect Yourself

Many teachers accused of having inappropriate sexual relations with a student are well-liked by the majority of the student body.  When a teacher is well-liked, students may feel more comfortable speaking with that teacher.  Along with this comfort comes the possibility that a student may take something the wrong way.  A teacher’s kindness can sometimes be misinterpreted for affection, and when a teacher does not welcome a student’s inappropriate passes, that student may become upset and retaliatory.

While teachers should certainly not compromise their work ethic or alter the overall nature of their relationships with students, there are a few steps teachers can take to reduce the risk that they may be accused of having a sexual relationship with a student.  Such steps include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Have a class-wide conversation with students to discuss the importance of healthy student-teacher relationships, and why it is important that such relationships never go beyond anything more than teacher and student;
  • When speaking with a student individually, teachers should do so during normal school hours, such as right before, during, or right after the school day has ended, and not in the late evenings or weekends;
  • Minimize your discussion with students to school-related matters as much as possible;
  • Avoid having one-on-one discussions with students in an empty classroom with the door shut, where no witnesses are nearby; and
  • Be cognizant of the “rumors” you hear from students, as rumors are often how false allegations erupt.

There is no easy way to prevent the chance that you may be falsely accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student.  However, if you take small, realistic measures, such as those described above, you will be better able to handle false allegations in the future, whether those allegations are against you or another teacher.  Documentation is everything, so it is important to keep a record of any meetings you have with students.  Such documentation will help down the road should an investigation unfold.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are a Kansas teacher facing disciplinary charges, it is essential that you retain a highly skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  The Kansas State Department of Education takes all complaints very seriously, especially in situations where a child may be involved.  Regardless of whether or not disciplinary action by the Kansas State Department of Education is legitimate, it is vital that you have an attorney by your side ready to defend your rights and help you keep your Kansas teaching license.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas who now devotes her law practice to representing Kansas professionals who are facing the potential loss of their licenses.  If you would like to speak with Ms. Sanger about your situation, contact the Sanger Law Office today to schedule your free consultation by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Pharmacists – A Small Mistake Could Cost You Your License

The pharmaceutical industry continues to boom year after year as our population grows older, and as new medications enter the market place.  Such a booming industry makes for very busy pharmacies.  Pharmacists fill prescriptions for hundreds of patients on a daily basis.  It takes keen attention to detail to ensure that each patient’s prescription medication is being filled in accordance with a physician’s orders.  Given that many patients take multiple prescription medication, it is especially important that pharmacists are cognizant of potential drug interactions.

Patients rely on both their physicians and their pharmacies to get the right medication at the right dose.  As medications look more and more alike, it is not surprising that patients receive the wrong medication and/or the wrong dose.  This is a problem that most pharmacists are aware of, and they take precautionary measures to limit the risk that such mistakes will occur.

However, no system is perfect, and mistakes are bound to happen from time to time.  When it comes to filling the wrong medication, the wrong dose of a medication, and/or a medication that elicits an adverse drug interaction, a patient’s life may be at risk.  Many patients are familiar enough with their medications that they would recognize when they have been inadvertently administered the wrong medication and/or the wrong dose of a medication.  However, there are some patients who are not fully aware of how their medication looks and wouldn’t even think to double-check as to whether or not they are taking the correct medication, especially for our elderly population.

Consequences of Filling the Wrong Prescription for a Patient

Many mistakes pharmacists make do not result in a life-threatening situation to patients.  But, the mere chance that a patient could be seriously harmed by such a mistake may be enough to put your Kansas pharmacist license at risk.  It may seem unfair that one mistake could cost you your license; however, many patients have died throughout the country due to a pharmacist’s mistake, so the Kansas Board of Pharmacy takes the misadministration of prescription medication very seriously.

If you are a pharmacist and you have made the mistake of administering the wrong medication, the wrong does of a particular medication, and/or a medication that elicits an adverse drug interaction, you should not assume that you are going to lose your Kansas pharmacist license.  It is unlikely that a pharmacist will lose his or her license if a mistake did not result in harm to a patient, but the possibility is always there.  As such, it is important to take additional precautionary measures to ensure such small, yet risky mistakes, do not happen.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

We all make mistakes, but professionals are held to a higher standard, so any mistake could be detrimental to their careers.  If you are at risk for losing your pharmacist license, no matter what the reason may be, it is imperative that you consult with a highly skilled Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney as soon as possible.  There is too much at stake, and you need a strong advocate by your side.  At the Sanger Law Office, Danielle Sanger helps Kansas pharmacists and other professionals fight to keep their licenses.  While you may have a tough road ahead, Danielle Sanger will do her best to prove that you deserve to keep your Kansas pharmacist license.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Ms. Sanger has experience both as a prosecutor and defense attorney.  This prior experience helps Ms. Sanger provide her clients with well-rounded and superior legal representation.  If you would like to discuss your situation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Attorneys – The Ethics of Referring Cases

Case referrals in the practice of law are rather ordinary, as not every attorney is able to handle any given type of case.  For example, if you are a family law attorney and receive a call from a potential client regarding a personal injury matter, you would likely refer that potential case to another attorney who may have more experience with that area of the law.

The simple act of referring a case from one attorney or law firm to another in and of itself is rather harmless.  After all, it is in the client’s best interest that he or she is receiving quality and competent legal advice from an attorney with the relevant skill and experience to handle that particular type of case.  However, there is a slippery slope that all Kansas attorneys should be aware of.

When referring a case to another attorney or law firm, the referring attorney cannot be compensated if he or she did absolutely no work on the case.  On the other hand, if an attorney investigates a potential case on his or her own, and does any other type of work on the case, that attorney may be able to receive compensation for that work.  For example, if you are a personal injury attorney, and you have “worked up” a car accident case, such as obtaining medical records, filing a complaint, and any other legal work associated with the case, you do have a legitimate stake in the case if you ultimately refer it to another attorney, whatever the reason may be for the referral.

One problem associated with the referral of cases occurs when attorneys do minimal or no work on a case, yet expect to get a percentage or some other measured compensation, and this is in violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct, both in Kansas, and in all other states.  Not all attorneys are aware of the scope of the rules regarding case referrals, and they may receive compensation for a case they may not have done any work on, simply because of a misunderstanding of the rules, and not through any intentional misconduct.

The “Referral Fee”

Many attorneys speak in terms of “referral fees,” and this can get them into trouble because there’s a connotation that an attorney can get a fee simply for sending a case along to someone else.  While most attorneys understand that a “referral fee” cannot be obtained unless legitimate work was done on the referring case, some attorneys mistakenly or unintentionally cross the line that is drawn by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

It is also crucial to have an understanding that a referral mean is not really what it says.  A referral fee that many attorneys speak of is simply the compensation the referring attorney is entitled to for the work he or she has done on the case.  The Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator would certainly take issue with an attorney who is essentially receiving payment for sending a case on to another attorney or law firm.  As such, you should take all measures possible to ensure your current referral practices comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

While you may not be at risk for losing your Kansas law license, it is still important that you are aware that disciplinary action is possible if you do not adhere to the rules of professional conduct when referring cases to other attorneys.  To ensure that you have a full understanding, you should consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office devotes her law practice to helping her clients fight to keep their Kansas professional licenses, no matter what the particular profession may be.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger has unique experience that allows her to better prepare and represent her clients’ interests and rights.  If you would like to speak with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Attorneys – What You Should Know About Unpaid Taxes and Your Law License

Personal financial struggles and work life inevitably are entwined as your ability to pay your taxes and other bills are typically contingent on how successful you are financially in your profession.  The consequences of unpaid taxes can be especially stressful for Kansas attorneys who place their law license at risk if they continue to move forward in their profession without taking care of unpaid taxes.  As a Kansas attorney, your financial situation will never be exactly like another Kansas attorney’s financial situation.  However, when it comes to unpaid taxes, such conduct may be considered a reflection on your morality and ethics as an attorney.  The concern the Kansas Office of Disciplinary Administrator has is not so much about your inability to pay past debt is it is about ignoring your obligation to pay taxes.

What Are My Options?

If you are a Kansas attorney and you are unable to pay past due taxes, your Kansas law license is not automatically at risk for suspension or revocation.  However, you need to act quickly to demonstrate that you are not willfully ignoring past due taxes, but that you are instead making an effort to address your past due taxes lawfully.  Your options for addressing past due taxes include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Making sure you file your tax returns on time, even if you are unable to pay the amount of tax you owe;
  • Consider entering into an installment agreement with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that will allow you to make reasonable monthly payments until all past due taxes have been paid;
  • Discuss your financial options with an accountant or other financial professional; and
  • Seek the advice of other attorneys and support groups available through the Kansas Bar.

It is unlikely that you will be at risk for losing your Kansas law license if you have legitimate financial issues that are preventing you from paying off unpaid taxes.  However, the decision to ignore the problem is what gets Kansas attorneys in trouble.  If you ignore the fact that you have unpaid taxes, it may look as though you are intentionally defrauding the government, even if this is not the case.  As such, regardless of what your individual financial circumstances are, it is crucial to ensure you are doing everything possible to keep your Kansas law license.  To have a thorough understanding of what is at risk for failing to satisfy unpaid taxes, it is important that you consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who can provide you with the resources you need to move forward.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Being an attorney in Kansas carries with it responsibilities that many other individuals do not have.  If you are delinquent on your taxes, you could be at risk for facing the suspension or loss of your Kansas license to practice law.  If you are currently facing, or believe you may be facing, the potential loss of your license, it is imperative that you seek the guidance of a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who has the experience, skill, and dedication to help you fight the potential loss of your Kansas license to practice law.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Danielle Sanger has a well-rounded background that allows her to provide her clients with superior legal representation.  To schedule your free consultation with Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Professionals – Representing Yourself to the Public as a Specialist

There are so many specialties today in all professional areas, whether it be law, medicine, veterinary care, or cosmetology, among many others.  When it comes to being considered a specialist in any particular profession, such as medicine, for example, it is crucial that anyone representing him or herself out to the public as a specialist is in fact a licensed professional with a sub-specialty.  For example, if you are a general internal medical doctor and you advertise yourself as a specialist in orthopedics, this would be misleading for potential patients, and this may be grounds for the Kansas Board of Healing Arts to take disciplinary action.

Further, as new specialties are uncovered, there will be a need for such specialties to require additional training.  Using the same example above, if a licensed Kansas medical doctor specializing in general internal medicine chooses to pursue orthopedics as another specialty, he or she will have to undergo the required training to be considered a specialist in orthopedics.

It is not uncommon for physicians and other professionals to make accidental representations to patients, clients, or customers that may be taken the wrong way.  If a patient has gone to see her general internal doctor for knee pain, for example, the doctor can certainly evaluate the knee and make a diagnosis based on his or her own medical training and judgment.  This alone is not a representation to the patient that the doctor is a specialist in treating knee injuries.  However, some patients may misinterpret information they receive from their doctors, and this can be potentially dangerous for physicians.

What You Should Do to Protect Yourself

If you are a specialist in your professional field, you should make clear to your patients, clients, or customers that you are in fact a specialist, and clearly identify what that specialty is.  You can verbally represent this, you can put this on your website or other advertising materials, and you can communicate this information in paperwork that you provide to patients, clients, or customers.

On the other hand, if you are not a specialist in a particular field, you must take all steps possible to ensure your patients, clients, or customers do not get the wrong idea.  If someone gets the wrong idea about whether or not you are a specialist, and that person suffers some sort of physical or economic harm as a result of his or her belief that you are a specialist, this could cause unnecessary stress and an investigation by the Kansas licensing board for your profession.  As industries continue to expand, new specialties may be established year after year.  The Kansas licensing boards will need to keep up with the changing trends to ensure Kansas professionals are protected and complying with any new rules or regulations that may be implemented.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are facing the potential suspension or loss of your Kansas professional license, it is important that you consider seeking the help of a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who can provide you with the guidance you need to move forward.  Regardless of why your Kansas professional license is at risk, you deserve to have a strong advocate by your side, representing your rights and interests to the fullest extent possible.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office has a reputation for success, helping her clients keep their well-deserved Kansas professional licenses.  If you would like to speak with Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Don’t Lose Your Kansas Cosmetology License Due to Unsanitary Work Conditions

Sanitary conditions are essential to both the success of a business and to the health of each and every client, customer, and employee.  When conditions become unsanitary for any one of a number of reasons, employees, clients, and customers are at risk for becoming ill and/or contracting other diseases.  Sanitation is particularly important in the area of cosmetology where cosmetologists are working with multiple clients or customers on a daily basis.  When multiple people come into contact with shared equipment, or equipment that is supposed to be sanitized, heightened measures must be taken to ensure the risk of contamination and the spread of illnesses does not occur.

Common Reasons Why Conditions Become Unsanitary

Many Kansas cosmetology professionals have routinely been at risk for losing their professional license for failing to maintain sanitary work conditions.  Reasons for such unsanitary conditions include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Failure to ensure all employees and professionals are washing their hands;
  • Failure to put metal tools in proper sanitation solution;
  • Failure to dispose of trash and other items that may have the potential for spreading germs;
  • Failure to keep bathrooms and work area clean; and
  • Failure to wash sheets, towels and other reusable materials.

Given that there are a variety of cosmetology sub-professions, the guidelines for maintaining sanitary conditions may not be the same across the board.  However, the Kansas Board of Cosmetology will likely treat all unsanitary work conditions similarly when determining whether or not disciplinary action should be taken for failing to maintain sanitary work conditions, as even the most minor incident could have devastating results if someone becomes seriously ill.

What You Can Do to Avoid the Loss of Your Cosmetology License

Preventing the suspension or loss of your Kansas cosmetology license starts with having a complete understanding of the rules and regulations regarding sanitation that govern your cosmetology profession.  The Kansas Board of Cosmetology has resources to help professionals stay up to date on rule changes and reminders on rules you may have forgotten.

Because sanitation is such a big issue for so many reasons, you need to do everything you can to maintain a sanitary work environment.  This includes communicating the need for a sanitary environment to other cosmetology professionals and employees that you work with.  Further, you can make an effort to ensure signs are properly posted in your business that remind customers to also wash their hands and take their own measures to keep the environment sanitary.

To have all of your questions answered and concerns addressed, it is a good idea to consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who can explain to you what is at risk for failure to maintain a sanitary work environment.  By contacting an attorney, you are not admitting fault in any way.  You are actually taking a positive step forward to find the answers you need to be a better cosmetology professional in Kansas, and to continue providing your clients and customers with the quality and sanitary service they deserve.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

No matter what education or how much experience a person has, mistakes do happen.  When mistakes happen in the workplace, they could place your Kansas cosmetology license at risk.  Unsanitary conditions that are a threat to clients and customers can be grounds for suspension or loss of your cosmetology license depending on the severity of the conduct and whether or not the conduct is repeated.  If your Kansas cosmetology license is at risk for suspension or revocation, you should consider speaking with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney right away.  Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office devotes her law practice to helping Kansas professionals keep their licenses to work in their respective industries.  If you would like to speak with Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney Danielle Sanger to discuss your situation, contact the Sanger Law Office today to schedule your free consultation by calling (785) 979-4353.

Kansas Attorneys – Reapplying for a Law License After Revocation

The loss of a license to practice law in Kansas is often a career-ender and leaves attorneys feeling helpless and hopeless.  While attorneys who have been indefinitely suspended or disbarred can reapply for admission to the Kansas bar after a period of time, the process of being stripped of your ability to practice law can cause you extreme hardship, both emotionally and financially.  Regardless of what the reason was for the loss of your Kansas law license, you have the opportunity to start fresh with a clean slate.

If your Kansas law license has been indefinitely suspended, you can apply for the reinstatement of your license to practice law three years from the date you were effectively stripped of your law license.  If you were disbarred and your law license was completely revoked, you must wait five years before applying for the reinstatement of your license to practice law.  This may seem like a long period of time, however, some states require disbarred attorneys to wait even longer before applying for readmission, so five years may not be as long as it seems.  Still, the inability to make a living as a Kansas attorney will seem like an eternity until the time comes when the attorney can apply for readmission to the bar.

Factors Considered Upon Application for Reinstatement

When an attorney is eligible for reapplying to the Kansas bar, he or she must file a Verified Petition for Reinstatement.  Along with this petition is a required filing fee that can be quite expensive, currently at $1,250.  The attorney will then undergo a reinstatement hearing to discuss the reasons why the attorney wishes to reinstate his or her law license, and what facts exist to support the reinstatement of his or her license to practice law in Kansas.  The Kansas Supreme Court will review the application, and if it determines there has been sufficient time since the loss of the law license to consider reinstatement, the Court will order the Office of Disciplinary Administrator to conduct an investigation, evaluating the application to determine if there are grounds for reinstatement.  Factors considered when making a decision as to whether or not an attorney’s application for reinstatement of his or her law license should be granted include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The attorney’s current moral character and fitness, demonstrating his or her ability to comply with the rules of professional conduct and all other laws as a practicing Kansas attorney;
  • Whether or not the attorney has recognized his or her prior wrongdoing and has been adequately rehabilitated to the point where the attorney is unlikely to repeat the same misconduct if reinstated;
  • The attorney has fully complied with all prior orders of the Supreme Court since the time of disbarment; and
  • The attorney currently possesses the necessary legal skills to provide clients with competent legal representation.

While it can be challenging to obtain a law license upon application for reinstatement, it can happen with the help of a qualified Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney.  It is best to explore your options right away after losing your law license so you can prepare early in the hopes of eventually being reinstated in the future.

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

Being indefinitely suspended or disbarred as a Kansas attorney places your entire future in jeopardy.  While there is a glimmer of hope for Kansas attorneys to reinstate their license to practice law, the process is tricky and the result may not always be to allow reinstatement, as the process is entirely discretionary.  If you wish to reinstate your law license or are facing the potential loss of your Kansas law license, you should speak with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who will fight to help you keep or reinstate your license to practice law.  At the Sanger Law Office, Danielle Sanger provides Kansas attorneys and other professionals with the legal representation they deserve, helping them get through an uphill battle.  While not all applications for reinstatement are successful, it is well worth the fight, as there certainly are times that attorneys are able to demonstrate why they should be considered for reinstatement to the Kansas bar.  To speak with Danielle Sanger about your case, contact the Sanger Law Office today by calling (785) 979-4353 to schedule your free consultation.

Kansas Dentists – Top Reasons For Losing Dental License

There are a variety of ways to lose a dental license, and the loss of a dental license can be detrimental to your ability to carry on your profession as a Kansas dentist.  Such reasons for the loss of a Kansas dental license are often the same reasons why attorneys, physicians, nurses, chiropractors, veterinarians, and other professionals lose their licenses.  However, in the case of dentistry, certain conduct may be deemed much more serious than it otherwise would in another profession, such as the practice of law.

Common reasons why Kansas dentists lose their professional licenses include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Drug or alcohol abuse that goes untreated – The Kansas Dental Board wants dentists to receive treatment for any alcohol or drug problem, as such problems can affect the dentist’s ability to safely care for his or her patients.  If the Kansas Dental Board becomes aware of a dentist’s substance abuse, the Board will recommend that the dentist receive treatment in order to keep his or her dental license.  After receiving treatment, if a dentist can demonstrate that he or she has recovered and is able to provide patients with safe and effective care, then the dentist may be able to continue working as a dentist.  However, if the dentist relapses and places patients at risk for serious injury or death, then the Kansas Dental Board may consider revoking the dental license.
  • Unauthorized prescription practices – Because dentists can prescribe medication as physicians can, many dentists use their ability to obtain prescription medication to either obtain the medication for him or herself for recreational purposes (such as strong pain medication), and/or obtains the prescription for the benefit of another person, the Kansas Dental Board may consider revoking the dentist’s license.
  • Malpractice – If a dentist has seriously injured or killed a patient, the reason for the injury or death was a clear act of negligence, and such negligence could have been prevented, the Kansas Dental Board will question whether or not the dentist is fit to continue putting patients’ lives at risk.

Dentists are held to a very high standard, and they must always be in compliance with the Kansas Dental Board’s rules and regulations, in addition to all state and federal laws.  In addition to the reasons listed above, criminal conduct could result in the loss of a dentist’s license, depending on the nature and severity of the crime.  Because so much is at stake when facing the potential loss of your professional license, it is important to act quickly to protect your rights and interests as a Kansas dentist. 

Contact Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation

The loss of your dental license can have devastating consequences for the foreseeable future.  While many dentists who have previously lost their license may be able to reapply and regain the dental license in the future, the prior loss of your dental license is information that could put your reputation at risk.  When facing the potential loss of your Kansas dental license, it is crucial to do everything you can to show the Kansas Dental Board why you deserve to keep your license.  In order to utilize all resources available to you, it is essential that you consider working with a Kansas Professional License Defense Attorney who has helped dentists overcome the hurdle of almost losing their dental license, convincing the Kansas Dental Board that the revocation of their dental license is not warranted.  Danielle Sanger of the Sanger Law Office is a former Assistant Attorney General of Kansas, devoting her law practice to helping Kansas professionals keep their professional licenses.  If you would like to discuss your situation with Danielle Sanger, contact the Sanger Law Office today to schedule a free consultation by calling (785) 979-4353.